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After an endless run of shocking beats stretching back months Saturday night finally brought my much, much better half Suedehead7 a great result. Both of us were multi tabling as the hand numbers clicked upwards towards 400m, then to her amazement mrs stien realises the hand number displayed on her screen is 400,000,000, looking down she has AA, utg moves all in, I'm screaming "go all in" - like she needed me telling her (she kills me at HU) everyone else folds, villains got 72hh, flop 2, turn gives him a flush draw, river............... shock an A and she holds.
Only I know how much she deserved this break, the run she is currently enduring is worse than sic. The grand was a great boost to her roll, plus she'll be at the DTD final thanks to sky, now all I have to do is qualify or more likely buy in when I give up trying.
Congrats Jane – the taller better looking one if you ever see us together.
Win a £1 DYM, £1000 and freeroll into SPT Nottingham, not bad!
And VWD to Mrs. Stein!!
congrats mrs stein ,
pity you still have to live mr stein ,
that must be tougher than living with raver lol.
Denis .
Well done Mrs Stein
Mrs Stien is my Heroine
Very well done Jane! I hope this windfall helps you out in your poker path and other things.
(you should be able to afford some proper eye care now!)
Congrats, Jane, you really are one in 400 million!
PS - It was lovely to chat with you on Sunday's Show. See you in Nottingham!
I have to ask though, the people who played and lost in hand 400 mill got £100 each... why fold? lol, £100 if you lose and £1000 if you bink it, seems odd to fold in a £1 DYM unless you didn't know this promotion, lol..
Either way, congrats to the winner
What a great time to pick up AA.