Tonight, at 10pm, sees the start of a new, weekly, Tournament on Sky
Titled "Thews @ Ten" it starts at, well, 10pm.......
Thewy will play it whenever he is available, including tonight, under his alias of "yoyo".
It's a single rebuy but you can ONLY rebuy when you lose all your chips, which should produce an interesting dynamic, especially as it is 5 minute Blind Levels......!
Starting stack is 4,000.
Entrants so far as at 10.30am are......
0 ·
There are two Satellites for this, at 7.10pm, & 8.10pm, tonight, the Satellites cost £2.40, & are UNLIMITED REBUY PLUS 1 optional add-on satellites.
PlayersPlayers Registered: 15 / 1000 yoyo4000 scouse_red4000 scotty774000 penguin74000 made4game4000 deofol4000 debdobs_674000 bedders0074000 alexsdad4000 Wayne_B734000 Tikay104000 Poker__Boy4000 IRISHROVER4000 Fat_Uncle4000 DTWBANDIT4000
Hi Tikay
Is this a one off or will it be on every week, maybe you could have a league for it run over 8 weeks like Scotty77 & Scouse_red TSP LITE league that was on, just a thought i'm in & it's great that there are some Sats for it n1
Yes, the Tourney will run weekly, if there is sufficient demand. (It has a £1,000 Guarantee).
It's too late to organise a Legue for tonight, as it would need setting up & promoting properly, but if players want a "Thews @ Ten" League, sure, I'm sure Sky Poker could be prevailed upon to add some nice prizes....!
Let's see if players want a League, & how tonight goes, & if it's is "yes", let's do it.
n1 Tikay sounds like a plan hope it gets a 100+ runners tonight
Hope it gets a big field.