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DYM the need to explain how they work

bludreid11bludreid11 Member Posts: 490
edited August 2011 in Poker Chat

i find that with a very limited bankroll that to win and make some money the easiest way is to use the DYM
tables. with three winners and three losers, its a simple format but,the amount of people playing dont realise
that you get the same amount for third as you do for first. the amount of players with a good chip lead, get
involved with the lower stacks and bleed away their chips making it harder to win,on more than a few occasions
ive found that sitting comfortable with chips and in a position to cash, some idiot chip leader tries to bully the short stacks not thinking that they are looking for a double up so they go all-in when he puts in a raise, then he folds,thus giving the short stack a lifeline.
is there any advise that could be given to these players because, sitting at the table it would be unfair to the shortstack to advise the chipleaders about the rules,and even then they probably wouldnt listen.


  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited August 2011
    If nobody goes all in against the shortstacks, the game will never end.
  • bludreid11bludreid11 Member Posts: 490
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: DYM the need to explain how they work:
    If nobody goes all in against the shortstacks, the game will never end.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    yes going all-in is ok,but the point i was making that  just to raise then fold to an all-in makes it harder to win
    so why raise in the first place, yes putting pressure on the shortstacks is good play,not giving free cards is goodplay, but to raise out of position,just because your the chip leaderis badplay.
  • PiAnOpLaYaPiAnOpLaYa Member Posts: 554
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: DYM the need to explain how they work:
    In Response to Re: DYM the need to explain how they work : yes going all-in is ok,but the point i was making that  just to raise then fold to an all-in makes it harder to win so why raise in the first place, yes putting pressure on the shortstacks is good play,not giving free cards is goodplay, but to raise out of position,just because your the chip leaderis badplay.
    Posted by bludreid11
    what lvl DYM u playing?
  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited August 2011

    Hi bludreid,

    I play loads of DYMs and I understand your frustration when a big stack raise/folds into a short stack when it seems obvious to you that the short stack is in 'reshove mode'. That being said, what you're effectively saying is that you want your opponents to play better!!?? Yes, this mistake frustrates you once every so often, but they're highly likely to be making other mistakes right throughout that the game that equate to cash in your pocket.


  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: DYM the need to explain how they work:
    Hi bludreid, I play loads of DYMs and I understand your frustration when a big stack raise/folds into a short stack when it seems obvious to you that the short stack is in 'reshove mode'. That being said, what you're effectively saying is that you want your opponents to play better!!?? Yes, this mistake frustrates you once every so often, but they're highly likely to be making other mistakes right throughout that the game that equate to cash in your pocket. JC
    Posted by JohnConnor

    You've been watching me play too much JC ;o)
  • 12671267 Member Posts: 936
    edited August 2011
    i play probably 20+ dym's a day,   i dont mind the raise fold play. If u are up against someone you have notes on,  you may know that your going to take there blinds alot of the time, if they do re-shove, u might know this player will not shove lightly and therefore it makes sense to fold (instead of calling behind).  By jamming all in you have no chance to get away, plus are risking alot more of your stack. e.g  if u had 4000 and raise to 500 and fold,  its better than going all in against a short stack with 2k,  running into aces, and knocking yourself down to2k !   Although it is very frustrating when you are short 4 handed and another short stack chips up,  its just part of the dym game. 
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