i confused i had 22 pound refunded and unsure how it was that much cos wen spoke to customer support they said i would have 16 returned. however when my table froze i was in 8th yet they informed me i was 16th??
It looks like they are getting round to them all slowly. I think the refunds will vary for each player, as it looks like the prizepool has been distributed based on chipstack sizes as per terms & conditions. Will need confirmation though, so don't hang me just yet lol. Posted by POKERTREV
They CANNOT possibly refund on this basis as like rosjim1 says sum players had 40mins extra gameplay xxx
surly they can not refund this on what position u were in when tourney froze as some people had about 40min EXTRA play has someone spoke to them?? Posted by rosjim1
Does seem a little unfair for some, especially as I was running 2nd at the time our table froze. But if they are working to the terms & conditions, it will be from the time the tourny was cancelled.
well lets hope not trev as this would be totaly unfair given the way the tourney paned out if all tables froze at same time then fair enough but we all know thats not what happened total refund would be a lot better as this way of refunding is penalising some players e.g if one player rebought after 5 mins and in the next hand a player went out and did not rebuy there table was frozen.. am i right or am i being picky???
It looks like they are getting round to them all slowly. I think the refunds will vary for each player, as it looks like the prizepool has been distributed based on chipstack sizes as per terms & conditions. Will need confirmation though, so don't hang me just yet lol. Posted by POKERTREV
Well my 2pence worth lolz is that they should FULLY refund ALL that entered and/or had a rebuy as this whole thing WAS a total shambles and it prob wont please very much those that rarely enter rebuy tourny's and may well make them veer AWAY from rebuys in the future , and long term that is NOT good for the site xxx
Well my 2pence worth lolz is that they should FULLY refund ALL that entered and/or had a rebuy as this whole thing WAS a total shambles and it prob wont please very much those that rarely enter rebuy tourny's and may well make them veer AWAY from rebuys in the future , and long term that is NOT good for the site xxx Posted by debdobs_67
I totally understand them NOT re-funding players that were already out of the tourny, as they were not effected by the cancellation. However, how they reimburse players that were still in the tourny is another matter though.
This particular situation and tourny is very unusual because it was a single rebuy and normally all players in the tourny would be effected at the same time, so this one does seem to set a president and the current terms and conditions may not be fair in this case.
In Response to Re: refunds from the thews at ten??? : I totally understand them NOT re-funding players that were already out of the tourny, as they were not effected by the cancellation. However, how they reimburse players that were still in the tourny is another matter though. This particular situation and tourny is very unusual because it was a single rebuy and normally all players in the tourny would be effected at the same time, so this one does seem to set a president and the current terms and conditions may not be fair in this case. Posted by POKERTREV
Well i couldnt rebuy as it was bloomin frozen so i ENTER a rebuy tourny but CANT rebuy ?? Hope sumone else posts the same thing as tbh dont think i will ever be entering one again xxx
In Response to Re: refunds from the thews at ten??? : Well i couldnt rebuy as it was bloomin frozen so i ENTER a rebuy tourny but CANT rebuy ?? Hope sumone else posts the same thing as tbh dont think i will ever be entering one again xxx Posted by debdobs_67
The tournament was a "Single" rebuy tournament and as far as I am aware all players were able to make a "single" rebuy without any issues.
The tables only froze after a player had already used the "single" rebuy option and then lost all his/her chips. You may have to get onto customer services and they will probably be able to tell if you were still at the table when it froze or whether you had already exited the tourny.
i have been reliably in formed that it was paid out on the position the rng had set you to bust out so it must be right. i worked mine out and as normal i would have gone out on the bubble so no problem here. thank you sky
50% of the prize pool is split between the players left in the tournament 50% is split between the players based on their chip stacks as a percentage of the total chips live
Plus all players received their £1 fee back.
If you still have a query regarding your settlement please contact our customer care department.
I think the refunds will vary for each player, as it looks like the prizepool has been distributed based on chipstack sizes as per terms & conditions.
Will need confirmation though, so don't hang me just yet lol.
am i right or am i being picky???
In Response to Re: refunds from the thews at ten???:
This particular situation and tourny is very unusual because it was a single rebuy and normally all players in the tourny would be effected at the same time, so this one does seem to set a president and the current terms and conditions may not be fair in this case.
The tables only froze after a player had already used the "single" rebuy option and then lost all his/her chips. You may have to get onto customer services and they will probably be able to tell if you were still at the table when it froze or whether you had already exited the tourny.
Bit of a nightmare but good luck
The settlement is based as follows..
50% of the prize pool is split between the players left in the tournament
50% is split between the players based on their chip stacks as a percentage of the total chips live
Plus all players received their £1 fee back.
If you still have a query regarding your settlement please contact our customer care department.