what are the chances that sky can open a book for their final in nottingham when say it gets 250 runners can this be done i know that a rival dose somthing similar can you do this sky??
this would allow the fun to continue with the guys you have backed.
i know this will probably be handy for me out in the fist 1 to 2 hrs the fun will still be there.
alternates could be down as other player
how many people would use this option on skybet??
thanks james
0 ·
wouldnt back myself though lol
In Response to Re: spt final sky BETTING:
Just to let you know there are plans to open a book on the SPT Grand Final but it will be nearer the time of the tournament.
Will the book be for all 250 players?
I wouldn't expect the favourite to be lower than 30/1 for DTD.