Mine is an impressive 0% on here with a -$2511 total profit.
I, admittedly, had a bad 1st year playing poker (mainly due to drunken shots at the pros) but I must be close to breaking even overall by now. Although he isn't now, lolufold looked worse than me not that long ago. Don't believe everything you read on sharkscope. Think it's only mtts and one win turns you into a genius.
And ROI's surely 100% if you double your money? 157%'s easily possible. Elsadog's probably more than America's debt. In fact he's 54% and on super tilt somehow. ljamesl is 128%. And on supertilt. Must be the ironic use of tilt. You're better than both of them though rob. But not on supertilt. My 5 free shots are now gone.
In Response to Re: My average roi : its not surprising when u get ure chips in with 88 vs ak vs aa Spike the 8 on the flop and then manage to avoid the FD - oh to run like you Posted by PiAnOpLaYa
Did you see my exit hand? Pretty much the 2 big stacks, iv called his small raise with 4,5dd in position. Flop A,2,3 rainbow. He bets out, i put a slightly more than min-raise in, he calls. Turn an 8 he checks, I bet just under half the pot he shoves on me, i call. He has 33.. river 8! **** I run so bad!! Guarenteed final table and £300+ instead i bust 12th for £45
In Response to Re: My average roi : Did you see my exit hand? Pretty much the 2 big stacks, iv called his small raise with 4,5dd in position. Flop A,2,3 rainbow. He bets out, i put a slightly more than min-raise in, he calls. Turn an 8 he checks, I bet just under half the pot he shoves on me, i call. He has 33.. river 8! **** I run so bad!! Guarenteed final table and £300+ instead i bust 12th for £45 Posted by FlashFlush
you were lucky to get there!!
Yer the exit hand has horrible dont think he played it badly mind you
(rake complicates things)
I, admittedly, had a bad 1st year playing poker (mainly due to drunken shots at the pros) but I must be close to breaking even overall by now. Although he isn't now, lolufold looked worse than me not that long ago. Don't believe everything you read on sharkscope. Think it's only mtts and one win turns you into a genius.
And ROI's surely 100% if you double your money? 157%'s easily possible. Elsadog's probably more than America's debt. In fact he's 54% and on super tilt somehow. ljamesl is 128%. And on supertilt. Must be the ironic use of tilt. You're better than both of them though rob. But not on supertilt. My 5 free shots are now gone.
58/100?! Moi? The fools.
brag over lol
Spike the 8 on the flop and then manage to avoid the FD - oh to run like you
Yer the exit hand has horrible dont think he played it badly mind you
need to improve