Hello Folks,
How are you? Crazy week eh!? Come join us tonight at 9pm for Mastercash, Top of the Pots, and 1 hour's coverage of the GUKPT final which kicks off at 9.15pm tonight!!
Lots happening... a competition as always...stay tuned.
Also yaaaaaaaaay, I will coming to Nottingham to play, very excited to meet you all, and play you all!! You are also probably excited at the prospect of easy pickings!!
that's all for now, as always email us your questions/banter/comp answers to:
A xx
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worst ever job, dream job - AGAIN
dream job- roadie for a rock n roll band or pro snooker player
new question for tonight....
What's the best/worst/cheesiest/ autograph you have ever collected!?
I think my 'best' one was from Jive Bunny, remember them!? In my little autograph book!!
Have a good show guys ,
ian your a right geeeeeezer m8y,
top man you .
Denis aka Irishrover
best job bar not working a bar in jamicia..is my present one which is in a special school great fun with the kids when things go right plus all the school hoidays and weekends off
Having said that, I remember when I was at school an actor from Auf Wiedersehen Pet was visiting, I can't remember who it was though.
Anyway a mate was asking what he looked like as he was going to get his autograph, a minute later some bloke walks past and we tell him that's the actor.
So off he goes to get this guys signature.
He then spent the rest of the day telling everybody how he'd got this famous actors autograph.
Eventually he found out it he wasn't the visiting actor but a visiting workman from the council.
Have a great show guys
Best/Worst/Cheesiest? You decide!
Me and my m8,s used to hang around in the arcades and the night before we couldn,t unmderstand why they were keeping the bottom half of Coral Island open as there was no one around - It was the middle of winter so we went down to have a look and saw some fellas playing the racing games -
There was Gazza , Gary Linekar, Gary Mabbutt and Frazer lookalike Terry Venables
We spoke for about 10 minutes - They were suprisingly down to earth and a good laugh
None of us had pens or paper so the girls we were with lent them their lipsticks and they autographed our tops for us - It was just a shame my mum made me wash mine after a cpl of months and they washed out
A bit of an obscure one was Constantina Rocca at Birkdale a few years back at the Open
Have a good show guys
thanks luvs x
While we're going over old subjects why don't you have a "guess when the 400 millionth hand will be played" comp also?
The Nuts
Full tilt would be my guesses!
I agree with Ian ditch the best/worst jobs because the answers too easy!
Dream job dealing to Carlo!
worst job Dealing to Neil Channing!
Same job but $4,999 difference in pay rates!
The best person I ever met was West Indian test cricketer Malcolm Marshall.
I played against him and this absoloute legend was so humble caring and polite I can't put into words how privileged I was to have met him and I've never heard anyone say a bad word about him!
Great show as usual could Ian maybe chat about what he does and where he goes in Vegas away from the tables?
Regards Dunmidosh
First: 7/8/2011
Last: 13/8/2011