Afternoon all! How's your weekend then? Feeling a bit fragile myself after a friend's wedding...
The Best Mans speech was a highlight though! Despite his nerves beforehand (tough gig I reckon!?) The best story was about the groom being so inebriated he missed his stop on a train and stumbled to a shed with a random arm chair to crash out on in the middle of a field, in the middle of NOWHERE (brave man, had horror film written all over it!)
So tonight we'd love to hear:The strangest place you've ever fallen asleep and/or woken up?
Planes, trains, automobiles, mid twelve hour tournament, any stories you have about yourself or others that you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you...
We'll be focussing tonights action on the Sunday Roller so if you're in it very best of luck, let us know of any hands you'd like to see on screen...
Ditto any questions for Carlo Citrone and or Wayne Rideout AKA Team Sky Poker member Glitterbabe
We're live from 9 see you then xx
P.S Any hangover cures very welcome in the meantime
debs xx
I've fallen asleep at a live cash table.
I've been woken up after sleeping in the middle of a country road in a snowstorm. Didn't know anything about it until the girl who'd given me a lift home after braking inches from me told me weeks later. Lucky to live through that one I guess.
I've also woken up in a lot worse places. But let's not go there.
Strange place to wake up?
Mine is very current. Only last night I was having 'fun' with a super model. Jordan actually which is strange as I am not a big fan but beggars can't be choosers!. Anyway we had a great time including dodging the paparazzi and hiding in our local Shell fuel station???
Anyway very strange thing is I woke up in my bed next to the wife ????
On the subject of waking up in strange places my ex-boyfriend must of been the world champion at it !
He suffered very badly from sleep walking and in all honesty i would be here all night if i had to name all the places i found him on a morning but some include : The bath, The kitchen floor, Every Wardrobe and cupboard in the house and even the front garden but the strangest by far has got to be when i woke to find all of the shelves, food and drink all over the kitchen floor and him sitting with the door open asleep in the fridge
BTW the reason he is my ex-boyfriend is because i once found him asleep in my friends bed but didnt stick around to ask him if he slept walked there lol
Anyways its good to see Carlo back on the show because he is by far one of the best analysts aswell as being easy on the eye
Question for Wayne aswell: Ive played you a few times online now and think you are a very solid player who seems to do all the right things at the right times etc but sometimes see you sitting on tables where there are only solid reg players there taking away the chance of easy cash and turning it into a grind etc.
Because i feel table selection is the most important thing in online poker and i leave any table once i feel the value has gone my question is:
When you sit at a table do you just join any of the available without looking who is on or do you select the tables you want to sit on depending who is there ?
TYIA Jenny and have a great show.x.
So tonight we'd love to hear:The strangest place you've ever fallen asleep and/or woken up?
has to be my own bed, well the wife is a man utd supporter
as a clean sober livinfg lad, ive never fallen asleep drunk anywhere or anything remotely similar.
have a great show, and ask wayne if luis suarez takes the best penalty
Will try and sniff out a prize to give away tonight too, prap's get either Carlo or Wayne to set a question. Will go and rack their brains now....
Cheers all xxx
Q for wayne/carlo. i been playing poker 7 years and used to play £10/£20 rebuys at my local casino against very decent players (i had a decent record vs them). i spent any money i had on a house and now only play micro cash but find the play different and more annoying. im a fairly tight solid player but should i play different style against players i think are weaker in general?? they find it hard to fold even bottom pair. the difference for me is they dont respect the the money because of the low buy in invlolved
Lets see if I can make the first hour !
as a young serviceman i LIKED the girls, so i rented a flat and all was nice,
i went to a party and having chosen my target for that night i invited her back to mine for coffee,drinks my god bananas if she wanted. so when we got there i couldnt find my key so being inventive i broke the door
and entered. we had drinks, music played, hand in hand we walked to the bedroom.
we never even made the bed, before two big burly cops came in, what the heck i asked ???
what are you doing this cop asked ?? i said (go away ) im having fun in my own house.
the cop said, i dont care what you do in your house your in your neighbours house,
so i woke up in jail, is that a strange place to wake up ???
I have question for Carlo and Wayne.
In a tournament, if you have a dangerous opponent, capable of winning the tournament, on your table and they are down, lets say, to 1750 chips, with only 3/4 big blinds, and you are in the big blind. Knowing they will go all-in, is it an auto call,regardless of your cards, to take them out or do you wait to have a good hand to call.
I would be VERY interested in how Wayne views this. haha.
Mr mbro
One evening I was booked to dj at a local nightclub one friday evening, well I say evening I wasn't on until 4.30am.
So off I pop to the local pub at 7pm with a few mates. Now the plan was not to drink too much so I could function properly when I was dj'ing later.
Well four hours later i'm stumbling back into the house slightly worse for wear. I go and collect my record bag and bring it down into the kitchen as i'd popped the kettle on to make a few strong cups of coffee.
I then decided to sit on the kitchen floor to play around with the dog who had woken up.
Two hours later i'm woken by the dog licking my face, sat crossed legged on the floor. I had to ring a mate to come and pick me up as i'd missed my taxi.
The little nap did sober me up though.
Did his performance in the Master Cash affect his confidence?
Has he made any changes to his game play since?
How does he recover from bad breaks?