On the brink of making the final two tables- I pick up 44 in the big blind and MP33 in the small blind sticks me all-in with A-6 of hearts. I call and I flop a set!
But it's never perfect, is it? Also on the flop are two hearts. No need to run another forum comp to take your guesses as to what came on the turn!!!!
So, out in 13thand the winner of this week's competition is billyboots who will play on Wednesday 24th, free of charge! Good luck mate!
Ty to Baz and ty once again to the ever growing number of entrants in this comp and finally........when are you all going to learn?!!!! Anything lower down than 40th is a waste of your time!!!! ;-)
Unlucky for some and definitely unlucky for me! On the brink of making the final two tables- I pick up 44 in the big blind and MP33 in the small blind sticks me all-in with A-6 of hearts. I call and I flop a set! But it's never perfect, is it? Also on the flop are two hearts. No need to run another forum comp to take your guesses as to what came on the turn!!!! So, out in 13th and the winner of this week's competition is billyboots who will play on Wednesday 24th, free of charge! Good luck mate! Ty to Baz and ty once again to the ever growing number of entrants in this comp and finally........when are you all going to learn?!!!! Anything lower down than 40th is a waste of your time!!!! ;-) See ya next time! Posted by RICHORFORD
Gee thanx Richard...sorry I missed this tonight but only got in from work a little while ago.....I've been choosing 13 for weeks now (glad I did). Soz to see you go out the way you did (well not too sorry, for selfish reasons -....but you know what I mean), still a v. impressive run from you and thanks for the prize again.
It was good sharing a table for the whole game and I can,t beleive after scaping through the cash bubble as i,d only satelited in for £2.40 (wudda settled for £15) to find myself Heads up with a 10-1 chip advantage _ My best win on Sky since the old £1200 Bounty Hunter
MP333100001£418.50 + 50 League PointsJibbz02£243.35 + 46 League Pointspryce603£170.50 + 38 League PointsMassoud1004£139.50 + 32 League PointsHAILHAIL8805£113.15 + 28 League Pointsmatrixman06£93 + 24 League Pointslaw0072307£77.50 + 20 League Pointscheesey10108£62 + 16 League Pointsgreenweedm09£46.50 + 12 League PointsRFC_54010£31 + 8 League Pointssuntan88011£15.50 + 4 League Pointsartful83012£15.50 + 4 League PointsRICHORFORD013£15.50 + 4 League PointsFLATCAPBIL014£15.50 +
im new to sky poker and am still trying to figure out how all this stuff works! however im goin to say rich will come 66th as most the other numbers are taken.
dont know what days the tourneys are on so il say friday or saturdays would be the best time for me to play.( if i guess correct of course!)
im new to sky poker and am still trying to figure out how all this stuff works! however im goin to say rich will come 66th as most the other numbers are taken. dont know what days the tourneys are on so il say friday or saturdays would be the best time for me to play.( if i guess correct of course!) Posted by kenhed
The opening post explains it all.
Richard played th tournament last night so you're too late to enter this weeks. Look out for next weeks and just enter a finishing place that isn't taken and say which day you'd like to play the TSP classic if you win. The TSP classic runs Monday to Friday by the way.
In Response to Re: Predict my placing in the TSP Classic and get your next one free! (Please read the OP before you guess) : The opening post explains it all. Richard played th tournament last night so you're too late to enter this weeks. Look out for next weeks and just enter a finishing place that isn't taken and say which day you'd like to play the TSP classic if you win. The TSP classic runs Monday to Friday by the way. Posted by AcidMan27
In Response to Re: Predict my placing in the TSP Classic and get your next one free! (Please read the OP before you guess) : Gee thanx Richard...sorry I missed this tonight but only got in from work a little while ago.....I've been choosing 13 for weeks now (glad I did). Soz to see you go out the way you did (well not too sorry, for selfish reasons -....but you know what I mean), still a v. impressive run from you and thanks for the prize again. Posted by billyboots
Nice one Billy. Thanks for the message and well played mate- it's not a bad tactic, picking the same number every week, as you have to reason that eventually it'll come in. Even 1st! Lol!
You,ll be pleases your chips didn,t go to waste _ It was good sharing a table for the whole game and I can,t beleive after scaping through the cash bubble as i,d only satelited in for £2.40 (wudda settled for £15) to find myself Heads up with a 10-1 chip advantage _ My best win on Sky since the old £1200 Bounty Hunter MP33 310000 1 £418.50 + 50 League Points Jibbz 0 2 £243.35 + 46 League Points pryce6 0 3 £170.50 + 38 League Points Massoud10 0 4 £139.50 + 32 League Points HAILHAIL88 0 5 £113.15 + 28 League Points matrixman 0 6 £93 + 24 League Points law00723 0 7 £77.50 + 20 League Points cheesey101 0 8 £62 + 16 League Points greenweedm 0 9 £46.50 + 12 League Points RFC_54 0 10 £31 + 8 League Points suntan88 0 11 £15.50 + 4 League Points artful83 0 12 £15.50 + 4 League Points RICHORFORD 0 13 £15.50 + 4 League Points FLATCAPBIL 0 14 £15.50 + Posted by MP33
Great result mate! And it's all thanks to you luckboxing that flush against my set to knock me out!
No seriously, well deserved mate- you were short-stacked like me for ages, so i'm well impressed you went on to win it!
In Response to Re: Predict my placing in the TSP Classic and get your next one free! (Please read the OP before you guess) : Nice one Billy. Thanks for the message and well played mate- it's not a bad tactic, picking the same number every week, as you have to reason that eventually it'll come in. Even 1st! Lol! Posted by RICHORFORD
As I recall Rich - I think you may have already finished 1st, (once upon a time) But if it's anything like picking a "Bonus Ball" it's gonna be a long time before it comes out again lol.
Nice to see a team51 player won yet another comp.........Oh, and a team51 player took down the tourney too...... I see a pattern forming here.. Team51-what a load of bonkers. Posted by labrat64
like pmsl wd rich .
Gee thanx Richard...sorry I missed this tonight but only got in from work a little while ago.....I've been choosing 13 for weeks now (glad I did).
Soz to see you go out the way you did (well not too sorry, for selfish reasons
In Response to Re: Predict my placing in the TSP Classic and get your next one free! (Please read the OP before you guess):
The opening post explains it all.
Richard played th tournament last night so you're too late to enter this weeks. Look out for next weeks and just enter a finishing place that isn't taken and say which day you'd like to play the TSP classic if you win. The TSP classic runs Monday to Friday by the way.
Best of Luck Next Week Though M8y.
getting better 30th and thursday