was looking for a sit and go and the top four on the list were £11, £22, £33, and £55 roulette all in 1 hand double or nothing. The same player was on all 4 waiting for opponents. Out of curiosity i watched the £11 game, he won with 9-2 against 4-2, up £9. Next game £22 he got JQ against AK and lost. In the next game, another £11 his opponent said in chat 'same again?' I didnt say anything because its their money, they can do as they like, however i cant for the life of me see the fun or the point of this, i mean he had £121 waiting on the roulette games and £11 of that was skys rake lol.
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Pure rake machine for sky.
Played a few myself whilst waiting for a table to fill up. Soon got bored.
If you want a 50/50 go to sky vegas and bet on red/black on the roulette. At least you save the rake.
47.27% for red or black and 5.26% on green
Jesus, I sound like merenovice!!!
Still cheaper than a rake.
Wheel's with more than one green are a bigger con than the lottery.
The web site I found that stat from must have took into account 2 greens,
It's more like 75/25 against what you bet.
Not that I'd know....