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After much debate with myself I finally took the plunge!
Only been playing on the site 4/5 months and only 2/3 times a week on ONE table at a time!
Had tried 2 x tables early on and it wasn’t pretty! Last night at 19:12 I plucked up the courage to put my name down for the DTD challenge. Had the house to myself (which is VERY unusual!) so NO distractions. At 19:14 I reg’d for the 1st DS.
(Notice I say the 1st I wasn’t confident enough to reg for 2 &3)
And they’re off….
19:15 DS 181 runners…..Slip into mini view, which I’d only tried for 10 mins previously and didn’t like! Persevered this time and got the hang of it.
19:44 reg for 2nd DS - what the **** might as well! Up she pops in standard view and by the time I’ve gotten to grips with minimising & positioning I’ve missed QQ otb on the other table jeez!
Suddenly realise I won’t get a break with this pattern of games and nearly wet myself when I get AA on one table followed by AA on the same table! (Both hold BTW!) Wondering to myself what the odds must be when I quickly get AA on the other table!! It doesn’t hold as I slow played it. Going along OK sitting mid table in both when 20:15 arrives. Down to one table now and it seems kinda weird and I realise although I’ve been under pressure I’m enjoying myself!
Got a decision to make now, can I manage 3? It’s been obvious in the forums that DTD is a BIG team occasion and as I’m now a member of Team51 I decide I’ll just have to take one for the team and reg for the TOTTY at 20:30.
Up she pops, and yes you’ve guessed it, by the time I’ve faffed about sorting the mini views I’m greeted with the dreaded (I’M BACK) on both the other tables!!! Panic a bit and decide to only play PREMIUM hands for a bit and let the others fight it out until I get used to the 3 x tables.
(Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do a voice in my head is saying whilst I know that in the 19:15 I really should be making a move.)
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I finished 91/181 in the 19:15 DS and I was then down to 2 tables. I found this much more manageable and was able to focus more on the opposition. Finished 64/203 in the 19:45DS and I was then down to one table. Change to standard and as I’m able to give it my FULL attention started to play my NORMAL game. Managed to finish 6/180 which I was well chuffed with because at one stage I had about 4/5 xBBs left.
Lessons learnt?
Finally, a VWD to all the winners, especially Chrispip, who I shared a FT with in TOTTY and a HUGE thanks to Michael & Chris for running DTD.
Oh and if anyone has got any advice/comments please feel free.
GL at the tables…and see you all next week.
Pad – STILL learning!
Good luck next week
The only advice I can give is to keep practicing with two tables.
Also try different setups such as playing them both in standard view side by side if your monitor is big enough to show them both. Also turn on auto focus so if you have to overlap them it will pop up when it's your turn to act.
Or try them both in mini view or one in mini and standard. Eventually you will find a setup which suits you better.
Also when you're not involved in a hand quickly check your other tables to make sure you know what's happening on them too.
Then once you know you're not going to be playing a hand go and watch some of the play and make some notes if you have to.
By the way your original post was exactly like my first time multitabling too , but you will get the hang of it.
Can I suggest this...... open up the freeplay tables in the cash section and give it a go on there, at least that way while you're getting used to it it wont cost you anything,......... ok they may not play the same.......... but you're getting the feel for how you would like to do it.
2. Watch! & Notes! notes! FFS! Things were whizzing round that quick last night at times I was clicking at random! lol
Nice read Pad.
One tip from me is if you go to options, you can open up tables automatically in mini view. This helps on a Monday, trust me. If you put your 1st table to the right of the screen, and then the 2nd one opens to the left of the screen. Then, all being well you are still in 3, just before 8.30pm, drop the left hand one down to the bottom left/right hand corner and then the 3rd table will open in the space at the top left.
I know this may all sound nonsense but sometimes it is more difficult to explain the simple things. I hope this helps anyway
Glad your slowly getting the hang of it.
The "Options" is at the top left of the table when it opens. Click on it and you have an array of settings you can play with. (I even found a volume switch) did'nt even know that existed for 3 years lol.
My Top Tip on Multitabling.
Don't panic, autofolding is far better than making the wrong decision in hast.
All you have to do is concentrate on the other hand you are playing in the other game and then go back to one of the other games -
It gets much easier as time goes on and I must admit, even I find myself browsing in the forum at times now lol. - Perhaps I should pay more attention FTW lol.
Best of Luck.
Excellent read mate
We all started with just 1 table and struggled with 2, but after a while it seems easy playing 3 or 4 and some of the top cash players play up to 16 or something (not that I could). Personally, I can't get away with mini view at the moment so stick to full view with 2 screens.
Obviously if your playing cash, stts or mtts you might want to lay it out differently, i.e. 2x dym's on the left and 2 x mtt's on the right or whatever suits you.
I would advise practising with 2 low stake buy ins first for a week or 2 and you'll soon find your competent to manage 3 or 4.
All the best and good luck multi-tabling, pleased you enjoyed the experience.
I run the same resolution on my widescreen monitor and this is how I multi-table four tables.
Autofocus Glenelg just means if the tables are overlapping and it's your turn to act on a table that's underneath another table it will pop up above the other table.
The only time you have to be careful with this is if you're clicking buttons on the table above it doesn't always pop up once you've finished (hope this makes sense lol).
All I do is to swap my seats so I can see my cards at all times. So the top two tables i'll sit at the top of the table and the bottom two i'll sit at the bottom of the table.