Been referred to recently in a couple of threads. After googling I'm confused. Could someone explain it in PLAIN english? I know it's 2 before dealer so I'm assuming it's possible if you get rid of the CO and dealer your in position next orbit?? Apologies if this is a very basic question. But if you don't ask....
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for me in 6 max u have
nice and simple.
V-bet = value bet
Ch = check
C = call
F = fold
R = raise
Ai = all-in
CRAI = check-raise all-in
TPTK = Top Pair, Top Kicker
gg = good game
wp = well played
nh = nice hand
nb = nice bet
nc = nice call
ep = early position
mp = middle position
lp = late position
CO = cutoff
UTG +1 = The person to the left of UTG
HJ = hijack (the position to the right of the Cutoff)
SB = Small Blind
M = your chip stack divided by antes + blinds
^^^ = refers to the text above
lol = laughing out loud
lmao = laughing my as s off nm = never mind
F = the socially-accepted way to use the “F word” online
OMG = Oh my God!
ZOMG = drunk person typing “OMG”
OMFG = Oh my F’n God!
ISP = Internet Service Provider
PT = Poker Tracker
PO = Poker Office
PTBB = PokerTracker Big Blinds (big blind amount multiplied by two)
gfy = Go F Yourself
ul = unlucky
gl = good luck
g1 = good one
n1 = nice one
gn = good night
y = yes
n = no
ic = I see
tc = take care
cya = see you
teh = cool way of spelling “the” online
mbn = must be nice
GTFO = Get The F Out!
WTF? = What The F?
FFS – for F’s sake!
BS = bullsh**!
WTG = Way to go!
diaf = die in a fire
diagf = die in a grease fire
POS = piece of sh**!
ß ---- = refers to the topic or person that the arrow points to
moran = also known as “moranic”; the hip way of typing “moron” and “moronic”
tbh = To be honest
gifafi = Go ice fishing and fall in
FTW = For The Win!
FWIW = for what it’s worth
DB = database
PS = PokerStars
ty = thank you
tyvm = tyvm
ldo = like duh, obviously…
DBR = Don’t be ridiculous/retarded!
internets = (also spelled “internetz”) ty G.W. Bush
yw = you’re welcome
imo = in my opinion
imho = in my humble opinion
brb = be right back
bbiab = be back in a bit
rly = really
orly = O really?
irl = in real life
v = very
ft = Final Table
H/U = Heads up
HUD = Heads up display
4 rollz = risking everything (For example: Let’s play H/U 4 rollz.)
vn = very nice
vnh = very nice hand
+ = more or better, TT+ means pocket tens or better
cbf =can’t be F’d
idk = I don’t know.
TID = Take it down!
MTG = Magic: The Gathering
obv = obvious
sfobv = So F’n obvious
* = used to correct spelling erors *errors
woot = a term used to celebrate or congratulate, also spelled “w00t”
ttyl = talk to you later
ttyiab = talk to you in a bit