Anyway, we just wanted to start a bit of a chat about twitter. That way, those of you who use it can tell others what it's all about, why you like it and how you use it for poker.
Twitter is great because it is real-time, short messages so always kept to the point!
It's really good for following poker players you admire because you get up to date progress from the major tournaments, often the web updates are slow and inaccurate.
It's great for entering competitions and is free
And if you follow me you get to know my progress in live poker games (usually only need to look 1st hour!)
Plus the community here is enhanced as we all follow each other!
I use twitter.... to rant to be sarcastic to criticise Johnathan Trott to abuse people to tell everyone how much I lose at poker to tell Young Gun he looks like Michael Barrymore to hear about how much everyone else is winning at poker to criticise Johnathan Trott to hear about losing betting tips to win free tourny entries on @skypoker to tell Young Gun he looks like Dale Winton to try and understand the Pokerstars VIP system to discuss cricket to discuss Broken Britain to talk a loada nonsense You can watch me do all of the above.... here: @DOHHHHHHH23 Posted by DOHHHHHHH
QFT and many more bad look alikes
I use it to keep updated with Charlton, poker and banter! defo better then facebook
I use twitter.... to rant to be sarcastic to criticise Johnathan Trott to tell everyone how much I lose at poker to tell Young Gun he looks like Michael Barrymore to hear about how much everyone else is winning at poker to criticise Johnathan Trott to hear about losing betting tips to win free tourny entries on @skypoker to tell Young Gun he looks like Dale Winton to read Michael Vaughan telling the world how good england are at cricket to abuse people to try and understand the Pokerstars VIP system to discuss Broken Britain to talk a loada nonsense You can watch me do all of the above.... here: @DOHHHHHHH23 Posted by DOHHHHHHH
If you dont understand cash for points, what chance have you got with the stars !
I use Twitter to keep up to date with the sport news and gossip. Also use it to talk nonesense and have a little banter. But most of all these days I use it to premote my flicker page which is It includes photos of Bury, Picnik edits and of course Sky Poker player Top Trump cards and for those with a strong stomach pictures of me! :P
You pick and choose who you follow, so your timeline is customised to your own unique preferences, you can follow as many or as few people on there as you like, you don't have to read a load of rubish you don't want to see..
It's great tool to get live updates about all sorts of stuff; find out what your favourite celebs are up to, get news flashes, football news and live scores, get messages and special offers from Sky Poker and other business, see how your mates are doing at the poker tables, most famous poker pros tweet live from the tables so Twitter was awesome during the WSOP. etc. etc. etc.
Twitter was the perfect way for me to let all my friends and family know how I was doing during my end-to-end walk last year. Several times each day I would tweet my precise latest location and photos from my GPS enabled phone and let people know what I was up to. I met Maxally by chance because I tweeted from his home town with a picture of the pub where I was staying, a sort time later we were a sharing a beer at the bar.
You can direct tweets at anybody, you know they'll see it and sometimes they even reply. I've had public replys on Twitter from Sky Poker, Poker Stars, Neil Channing, Devilfish and many more, even DOHHHHHHH lol.
Twitter seems a bit pointless when you first sign-up, but once you 'get' it quickly beomes one of the best things you've ever found online.
Tweet! You pick and choose who you follow, so your timeline is customised to your own unique preferences, you can follow as many or as few people on there as you like, you don't have to read a load of rubish you don't want to see.. It's great tool to get live updates about all sorts of stuff; find out what your favourite celebs are up to, get news flashes, football news and live scores, get messages and special offers from Sky Poker and other business, see how your mates are doing at the poker tables, most famous poker pros tweet live from the tables so Twitter was awesome during the WSOP. etc. etc. etc. Twitter was the perfect way for me to let all my friends and family know how I was doing during my end-to-end walk last year. Several times each day I would tweet my precise latest location and photos from my GPS enabled phone and let people know what I was up to. I met Maxally by chance because I tweeted from his home town with a picture of the pub where I was staying, a sort time later we were a sharing a beer at the bar. You can direct tweets at anybody, you know they'll see it and sometimes they even reply. I've had public replys on Twitter from Sky Poker, Poker Stars, Neil Channing, Devilfish and many more, even DOHHHHHHH lol. Twitter seems a bit pointless when you first sign-up, but once you 'get' it quickly beomes one of the best things you've ever found online. Posted by GaryQQQ
twitter for me is about poker and keeping up with others. often tweet when running deep in a tourny or if im playing a big tournament. Live tournaments get 100% feeds.
It's really good for following poker players you admire because you get up to date progress from the major tournaments, often the web updates are slow and inaccurate.
It's great for entering competitions and is free
And if you follow me you get to know my progress in live poker games (usually only need to look 1st hour!)
Plus the community here is enhanced as we all follow each other!
QFT and many more bad look alikes
I use it to keep updated with Charlton, poker and banter! defo better then facebook
I twitted a few times and the Twit didn't Twit I felt like a right Twit.
Doesn't everyone???
But most of all these days I use it to premote my flicker page which is
It includes photos of Bury, Picnik edits and of course Sky Poker player Top Trump cards and for those with a strong stomach pictures of me! :P
You pick and choose who you follow, so your timeline is customised to your own unique preferences, you can follow as many or as few people on there as you like, you don't have to read a load of rubish you don't want to see..
It's great tool to get live updates about all sorts of stuff; find out what your favourite celebs are up to, get news flashes, football news and live scores, get messages and special offers from Sky Poker and other business, see how your mates are doing at the poker tables, most famous poker pros tweet live from the tables so Twitter was awesome during the WSOP. etc. etc. etc.
Twitter was the perfect way for me to let all my friends and family know how I was doing during my end-to-end walk last year. Several times each day I would tweet my precise latest location and photos from my GPS enabled phone and let people know what I was up to. I met Maxally by chance because I tweeted from his home town with a picture of the pub where I was staying, a sort time later we were a sharing a beer at the bar.
You can direct tweets at anybody, you know they'll see it and sometimes they even reply. I've had public replys on Twitter from Sky Poker, Poker Stars, Neil Channing, Devilfish and many more, even DOHHHHHHH lol.
Twitter seems a bit pointless when you first sign-up, but once you 'get' it quickly beomes one of the best things you've ever found online.
Six hours later I was still struggling to make it do even the most basic stuff.
The plan was to take it with me to GUKPT Luton tomorrow, so I could tweet when I run deep.
But I am playing like an absolute fish at the moment, and still dont know how my phone is going to perform away from my home wifi.
So dont hold your breath, but if anything unlikely happens I will attempt to tweet to the world.
Ause Young_Gun
Abuse Arsenal
Rant about how bad I run
Abuse Young_Gun's moobs
and to show how much i lose at poker