left my key in my front door for around 3 hours, luckily, it was my mate that found it, about half an hour ago! Also left my mobile phone on the wall outside my house overnight thenfound it the next morning and it still worked after it had been raining! and also left my phone in a freezer at co-op never got it back either xx
As for my latest senior moment, going shopping at Sainsburys last week, on my day off, and suddenly realising that I was wearing my Sainsbury uniform lol
Hi tikay ,anna and pete have a great show, i think the lake is lake vyrnwy which i know as it supplies the water for liverpool (or used to when i was a lad lol)
Don't limp you wimp or you will epic fail you will get the 'ump when you hit the rail
Loved the moment at SPT Leeds when Jock went in with AA v KK v QQ with TV camera delay! The look of terror on his face, luckily I folded!! He held and finalled! GG Sir!
would just like to say to tikay, well done for winning tuesday`s 7.15 deepstack enjoyed being on final table, but next time i`m keeping my moosh shut and not say see you on final table, lol
£46.48 + 15 League Points
£28.22 + 12 League Points
£19.92 + 10 League
and my tip for limpers is go and see the doctor you can see them anytime 24/7 in the poker clinic
is tikay recording the launch of celeb big brother, it starts in 25 mins, me presonally am going too lock myself in the bedroom, because wife and kids want to it, argggggg
This happened when I was about 45 . Went to the cash machine to draw out £60. Arrived at the supermarket to realise I had left the money in the machine so dashed back and the money had gone. Much cursing and kicking ensued. A week later I get a letter off the bank asking to call in. It turns out the next user of the cash machine after me was the manager of another branch of the same bank and I got all my money back!
If you have a hand that you want to play, no matter how good of a hand always open with a raise by limping it just induces others to enter the pot therefore reducing your chances of winning the hand, whether it is AA or 72 by always opening with a raise it also increases your chances of taking the pot down pre flop, or gives you the opportunity to represent a flop that you have completely missed........ It is useless limping in with the thought that if someone raises you are going to call anyways
In Response to Re: Thurs night show with Miss Fowler, Tikay and special guest Jockbmw *****official show thread**** : lol Will there be sub-titles tonight Anna? lol My " senior " moment occured once when returning from work one night I searched for my car in my local train station carpark and being unable to locate it I suddenly realised I'd taken my bike to work that day! To make matters worse I'd left my bike in the guards van of the train! (Back in the day when there were guards vans - TK will explain!) Have a good show guys! Pad p.s. I'm in the BH tonite as a result of guessing the name of Ian Frazers boat! I hope I'm still in by the time you read this!?!?!? Posted by Glenelg
In Response to Re: Thurs night show with Miss Fowler, Tikay and special guest Jockbmw *****official show thread**** : you still in Pad!!? x Posted by MissFowler
NOPE!! ;-( Ran AK into 55. Flop 995! GULP!
GUTTED! Hand before ran KK into AA.
Not my night! Took a head tho! lol Had a great time tho so thanks for the prize!!
Watching 865 the advice is pretty clear - nver limp in 6 handed tourmnays pretty much but i think depending on table dynammics it can work as well
You are trying to not give away your hand so if you mix it up by sometimes limpimg with premium hands and soemtimes raising with them your not giving off as many clues, especially when ur on a table for a long time with the same players
hello to Jock who i shared a table with in Newcastle SPT - aspers in the £30 deepstack _ I played one of the the worse hands ever and let somebody bluff me off a huge pot playing the board - I was embarressed i played it so bad
Have a Great Show Anna, Tikay & Peter
Questions for Peter (Jock)
1. What were you thoughts when you realised you had made the Final Table at SPT?
2. Last night i watched Quadraphenia & was wondering in your youth were you a Mod or Rocker
btw Well Done to Tikay for winning a Deepstack the other night n1
left my key in my front door for around 3 hours, luckily, it was my mate that found it, about half an hour ago! Also left my mobile phone on the wall outside my house overnight thenfound it the next morning and it still worked after it had been raining! and also left my phone in a freezer at co-op
never got it back either xx
As for my latest senior moment, going shopping at Sainsburys last week, on my day off, and suddenly realising that I was wearing my Sainsbury uniform lol
Big hi to fellow mod Pete!!
My message to limpers in the style of Ian Frazer
Don't limp you wimp
or you will epic fail
you will get the 'ump
when you hit the rail
Loved the moment at SPT Leeds when Jock went in with AA v KK v QQ with TV camera delay! The look of terror on his face, luckily I folded!! He held and finalled! GG Sir!
TY .
This happened when I was about 45 . Went to the cash machine to draw out £60. Arrived at the supermarket to realise I had left the money in the machine so dashed back and the money had gone. Much cursing and kicking ensued. A week later I get a letter off the bank asking to call in. It turns out the next user of the cash machine after me was the manager of another branch of the same bank and I got all my money back!
If you have a hand that you want to play, no matter how good of a hand always open with a raise by limping it just induces others to enter the pot therefore reducing your chances of winning the hand, whether it is AA or 72 by always opening with a raise it also increases your chances of taking the pot down pre flop, or gives you the opportunity to represent a flop that you have completely missed........ It is useless limping in with the thought that if someone raises you are going to call anyways
Ran AK into 55. Flop 995! GULP!
GUTTED! Hand before ran KK into AA.
Not my night! Took a head tho! lol
Had a great time tho so thanks for the prize!!
Pad xx