Hand History #403968508 (10:41 18/08/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Small blind 150.00150.00500.00 Big blind 300.00450.002670.00 Your hole cardsA8 VillanhallFold ACEGOONERAll-in 555.001005.000.00 Call 405.001410.0095.00 Call 255.001665.002415.00Flop JA2 Check Check Turn 7 Check Check River K Check Check ACEGOONERShowA8 MuckQ4 Show53 WinFlush to the Jack1665.00 4080.
This hand was the bubble hand on a 10 quid turbo dym, tbh this isnt the first time ive seen players encouraging each other into a pot, but this one really leaves a really bad taste. The other shortie flat calls my shove then the big stack who is dithering to call a small amount of chips is encouraged via the chatbox to enter the pot.
This wouldnt happen live and the excuse that was given was "well its online init". Thats no excuse if you behaved like that in a card room you would be strung up!
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But I deffo agree its bad etiquette to encourage play or discuss the hand whilst its in progress.
I think this is one good reason why people have been asking for the chat box to be disabled when a player goes all in. Might be something for the techie guys to take a look at.
tbh if a short stack pushes on the bubble i get annoyed if the big stacks fold even tho it wouldn't dent there stack very much, i mean to make it a family pot and get rid of the short stack so we can get to the cash.
but i do not agree with people asking others to join a pot, i mean scream as much as you like and know they should call but never "tell" them to call because at the end of the day "collusion" is not allowed.
poker unless it being a "team" event, shouldn't be played to help another opponent out and even in a "team" event you cannot tell each other how to play because poker is an individuals game vs other individuals.
My advice is to report said person to customer services and quote the game / hand etc and let customer services give said player a warning and in future he/she will probably learn their lesson an never do it again.
I used to play on Titan, and all chat was disabled once someone had went in.
They also went into hand-for-hand play in MTTs when it was the final table bubble and stopped all chat there as well to stop collusion and chatting about what's happening on the other table which I think was a bit extreme but yeah. Annoyed me a bit, just because the final table bubble can go on for a while and I like a good chat.
And it's bang out of order.
Personally - I make my own decisions on what and when I play it, but others may be influenced by the chat.
There are so many great players and larger than life characters on the site!
I've railed many, including the author of this post and he/she plays good solid poker.
How sad must the person be who tried to corrupt the table?
To comply with fair play. If comments of this nature continue.
At some point the chat box may have to be closed or censored.
Which is criminal cos the banter can be superb especially when Orford's playing!
My opinion is that anyone who tries to influence a hand to the detriment of a player who has paid hard earned cash to enter a tournament. Should be suspended from playing.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion but shouldn't force it on others!
Ater the tourneys finished fine discuss it at length but if it has to be brought up during play whoever made the comments are a poor excuse for a poker player!
Gooner is a good Player/Guy to talk to aswel.. i'm a bit miffed as i have been getting a bit of grief about this tho!!
I was one of the people that said "Call" BUT as i explained to Goon after it was a mistake and it was more the fact he had to call for how many chips he invested and how much is was to call..
So i said "Call" because he had to, not to collude!!!!!!
There were others that said "Call" on there then gave Gooner Sh ite about it after, not me!
A mistake on my part for saying it then instantly realising how else it could be interperated, not thinking on my part..
So to AceGooner, apologise's and goodluck!