well done alan. its true you are never to old to show these young ones a trick or two class m8. lets hope tk gets the team right this time lol its a 51er again yes tk 51 not tkp lol. i will see you in rehab alan the grandkids go home Saturday. after a short rest and me meds i will be back to rail a true champ
In Response to Re: EPIC ELSADOG DEFENDS HIS ROLLER TITLE.................................... : Thanks Donut - I'm much prettier than that in real life ;o) Posted by elsadog
In Response to Re: EPIC ELSADOG DEFENDS HIS ROLLER TITLE.................................... : Vespa for me m8 - I've had the word on them from a friend ) Super show Jock - you're a natural m8 - and is it me or is Miss Fowler just getting better and better? Posted by elsadog
+ 1 you were so relaxed on tv peter , a natural born tv anchor man if ever i saw one . I would love to see you and tk do a tv show together , you as anchor man , maybe that skypoker show the clinic .
In Response to Re: EPIC ELSADOG DEFENDS HIS ROLLER TITLE.................................... : Vespa for me m8 - I've had the word on them from a friend ) Super show Jock - you're a natural m8 - and is it me or is Miss Fowler just getting better and better? Posted by elsadog
Thanks Alan,
I have to agree with you, Anna was brilliant, word perfect, and some of her "sparring" with TK, was hilarious. She is a lovely, lovely person. For those going to DTD for the grand final, if you have Anna on your table you are in for real treat
Tikay was himself...... I can give no finer compliment than that. To see the man working up close was amazing. The word Legend is used a lot but he really is one.
In Response to Re: EPIC ELSADOG DEFENDS HIS ROLLER TITLE.................................... : + 1 you were so relaxed on tv peter , a natural born tv anchor man if ever i saw one . I would love to see you and tk do a tv show together , you as anchor man , maybe that skypoker show the clinic . Denis Posted by IRISHROVER
Ah Shucks.... Thanks Den, really appreciate the comments. If I was ever given another opportunity to do the show I would jump at it.
If anyone is ever given a chance and are a little apprehensive about being "on't telly", don't be. Tikay, Anna, Dan, Claire and all the team make it really relaxing and it is just fun from the first moment to the last
...even if it is Sky favouring you as you're part of the 'winners club' ;-)
team51 ftw
enough 'hic' ;o)
Vespa for me m8 - I've had the word on them from a friend
Super show Jock - you're a natural m8 - and is it me or is Miss Fowler just getting better and better?
In Response to Re: EPIC ELSADOG DEFENDS HIS ROLLER TITLE....................................: + 1 you were so relaxed on tv peter ,
a natural born tv anchor man if ever i saw one .
I would love to see you and tk do a tv show together ,
you as anchor man ,
maybe that skypoker show the clinic .