We're live on the box tonight (9pm till 1am) for four hours of live pokertainment which will see Ed Giddins and I reunited for more analysis and tomfoolery.
We're looking forward to it, but of course we need you guys to make the show fly.
So, please start posting your comments and banter so we've got plenty to get out teeth into tonight. I'll add more details to this thread as I get them throughout the day.
But here's a topic of conversation to get us going...
Tried and trusted, from experience or otherwise...
What are the biggest turn-offs in a man or woman?
It doesn't matter how attractive you find a person, if they happen to have this quality it's an instant epic fail. So...what is it? Dirty fingernails? Aways talking about themselves? Hairy underarms? Lack of interest in your hobby? A weird laugh? etc etc.
Ed and I will run the rule over your suggestions and decide if they're a reasonable shout or not! The ones we agree with will go into a hat and we'll pick out some winners for prizes.
Gooooo for it!
they have an adams apple
you asked about TURN OFFS before i start i think that many women can dress to either highlight their
attributes or hide their flaws,as a person who has traveled the world and has encountered many many
girls,of various shapes and sizes i feel that im in a unique position to comment on this subject.
not only is it a turnoff its downright dangerous,when you try to undress these people the strain on the
fabrics are such that when realeased the snap back on these garments can break fingers,or even take your eye out i wont explain how it could take an eye out, ill leave that to your own imagination,but sufice to say a warning to all men and advice to all woman
Passing wind In front of you. laughing like a drain then wafting It around the room with their hands (wrongly convinced that you want to share In the experience) and finally giving It marks out of 10.
Men who wear sandals and socks
And I could never fancy a man with a tiny nose (although this ones not their fault)
Have a good show both. Nice to see you back Ed
Looking forward to a great show as normal and Rich i hope you have your fiver ready for Ed at the end of the night to add to the dozens he has got off you in other shows
For me big turns offs in a man apart from the obvious ( not owning a bar of soap etc ) would be guys who never stop looking in the mirror or even worse than that guys who carry a mirror ! ( good job Carlo isnt on the show tonight lol )
Big turn ons would be well groomed guys in white shirts with the top couple of buttons left open and chatting about poker all night
^^ just taking a shot at what you or Ed might be wearing tonight ^^ looooool
i find that some women/men dont look thier best in the morning anyway.
and dare i say it even after applying the stuff they dont look any better. anyway
stay away from the mirror
We're also focussing on value bets tonight- now that Mr. Value Town himself is back in the studio!
So- what's your thoughts on value betting. Any tips? Any do's or don'ts?
Any advice to give or needed? Any questions?
Even better, if you have any examples from tonight's play, please post the hand id number and we'll try and show it- but please make sure you post it with perhaps some acompanying lines/questions about the hand (so we know why you posted it and why you want us to show it).
The best value bet i ever saw was at a $10/$20nl game when the board was 5club 5dias 6dias 7dias 8dias with 2 guys in the pot and only about $200 in the middle at river when the guy holding the 9dias pushed all in for over 3k and got called from a bigger stack with the Ace of dias looooooooooooooooooool
if my potential girlfriend has :-
More underarm hair than
More bad breath than
Less intelligence than
BUT....... s h a g s like a bunny then.....
can i just say, im married and she doesnt sh ag like a bunny sadly, but also does not gamble so cant see this lol.
just one more turn off this is a real big turn off