Is it just me that's so stupid?
I do it time and time again.
Latest : Had spun £30 up to £700. Pretty much thought I'd made it. Love HU and was winning more, far more, than I was losing.
But had a spell at 30nl 6max and everything went against me. Like crazy. I know it happens but I took it bad. Went to a 200nl and threw 3 bullets, 3rd hand in, into the exact hand I was representing. Ooops. Only way back, obviously, was to take on redmond in a £400 HU STT. Raced into a lead. He raced into an understanding of me. And raced into busting my KK with 10,5o. Cruel game.
Lessons learnt though. Been grinding £5dyms to get the br back up. Up, up, up so treated myself to a £5 BH. 124 runners. 2nd of 4th and of course I run my kq that hit into 7-2 that hit harder.
Question is,
Is it just me that goes stupid busto? ljamesl must of at some time?
0 ·
My tactics are to move up the levels
[ ] This works.
[x] Do not do this.
Raver & the kids manage mine , they spend it lol .
I will pm you some info on brm tonight bandit ,
but what doh has said would seem to be the best solution for your good self .
Denis .
The problem is a winning player is a bum-hunting geek.
You Sir are a lordly poet !
In the end you will become the greater player.
Have faith. It's only ups and downs.
Most players CAN'T spin £30 into £700 in a few hours. It'll take them months of whinging about variance when they play exactly the same game as their opponents.
Rules are for wise mens guidance and for fools to follow.
Respec' x
Play the percentages ? Who would have thought it ;p
I agree that the drama was kinda worth it. Very few on here have played Reds on a £400 HU STT. I have. I'd have preferred the money but one must look for the condolonces in life.
When I hit, I'll hit big. And even then take on Ivey to prove a point. It's a sickness I tells ya. But what can one do? Even Dostoevsky was a gambling addict. And it's not like I'm gambling with real money. It's just my poker money.
i have run nothing to 5k and more and then lost the lot again, basically if you have a gamblers mentality it will bite you in the end but remember as you point out you will have some fun and no little success along the way
i respect anybody who grinds a living i personally dont find playing for 8 hours + day fun (ive got a job that bores me to death already)
good luck ban
Seriously though what dude says here is spot on , if ya gonna take poker seriously and wanna be a profitable player then overall gambling aint ever ever ever gonna work
There are a lot of people who would seem to me to be incapable of figuring in experience and fun into their poker story, especially when relating to loss.
These are the same people that advocate that poker isn't gambling EVER. I mean it's pure skill over time right ? And it's not like casino games where the house always wins irrespective of outcomes !?
Good luck to you man. I think you realise that everything is loss, after all you've read Kerouac amongst others. In my opinion you can't go far wrong.
Good posts man. Thanks. I enjoy them and hope others do too.
In Response to Re: Busto : good post i have run nothing to 5k and more and then lost the lot again, basically if you have a gamblers mentality it will bite you in the end but remember as you point out you will have some fun and no little success along the way i respect anybody who grinds a living i personally dont find playing for 8 hours + day fun (ive got a job that bores me to death already) good luck ban
Posted by barnsie
Enjoyed this too. +1.
I have been guilty of this the last couple of nights.
It is a buzz to play the higher cash levels but without the back up of a proper bankroll it's a bit silly, as I have found out to my cost. Never again...
until the next time lol
Wikipedia tells me there's a film adaption released in my year of birth starring James Caan. Surely Hartigan's seen it? I'll love-film it once this weekend's hangover abates. Wednesdayish one should imagine.
lol. I never did buy into this image you've created of being a nit. Keep up the good work Hoggers, funny stories to tell are far better to have than money. Money's rubbish. Any fool can accumulate money. Except for me.