Player seemed to be reasonably LAG, however seemed to be doing ok apart from a major bad beat earlier.
thoughts would be appreciated. At the time I just took him to figure me on the king and thought his 5 (presumably) would get paid...?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance-----------Small blind 25.0025.001382.50PuppetJackBig blind 50.0075.001827.50 Your hole cardsAK keotyCall 50.00125.003085.00bexlex4424Fold longhair21Call 50.00175.001980.00NuttySka48Fold -----------Call 25.00200.001357.50PuppetJackRaise 200.00400.001627.50keotyFold longhair21Fold -----------Call 200.00600.001157.50Flop 5K10 -----------Check PuppetJackBet 300.00900.001327.50-----------Call 300.001200.00857.50Turn 5 -----------All-in 857.502057.500.00PuppetJackFold -----------Muck -----------Win 1200.00 1200.00-----------Return 857.500.002057.50
0 ·
seems I have a bit to learn...?
consequently ..they got knocked out shortly after with A-5 (flush draw) which didn't pay off.
why would he have a five - A5 :S
Would he really call your flop bet with a five
More likely K10 but you have that beat now anyway
Feels like a KQ, KJ hand and why indeed shove turn - did he really call pre with 56/A6
and call the flop bet with btm pr - if he did then hey ho WTF !
Taxi for me
I need sleep .... nn
Just seeing station unless he got like a set 10's or something.
will cetrainly think long & hard next time i'm in that spot.