In this case calling worked out well but was this too much of a stupid gamble? I just thought that it seemed strange that they shoved on the turn especially as I had the ace of clubs which meant they probably weren't waiting to hit a flush draw...
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesnapper725Small blind £0.05£0.05£19.25AJ_RocketsBig blind £0.10£0.15£16.33 Your hole cards10A TCNTU09Fold Curt360x27Call £0.10£0.25£5.63thethirdpoRaise £0.40£0.65£13.47ToonooFold snapper725Call £0.35£1.00£18.90AJ_RocketsFold Curt360x27Call £0.30£1.30£5.33Flop AQ3 snapper725Check Curt360x27Check thethirdpoBet £0.68£1.98£12.79snapper725Fold Curt360x27Call £0.68£2.66£4.65Turn 7 Curt360x27All-in £4.65£7.31£0.00thethirdpoCall £4.65£11.96£8.14Curt360x27Show86 thethirdpoShow10A River 2 thethirdpoWinPair of Aces£11.06 £19.20
I would prob call, having reads would be nice here
As played I probably snap it off with the Ac in my hand.
EDIT : actually just realised he could have made flush, I would probably nit fold lol
quite often they'll be just making a move.
Being the BB & having quite possibly anything makes it hard to determine but sometimes you just have to gamble...