Hello.I was reading a book on poker strategy and there was a list of best hands to crack aces pre flop so i will list them here and see what you all go for ,I will put the answer down later on.
Seems a bit of a silly question. Obviously you're gonna have 2 undercards (unless you have an A but that would be terrible) so the odds of hitting 2 pair or 3 of a kind with 72 are the same as with KQ. So it comes down to straights and flushes and so anything that can go up and down straight and flush is best
Its also a silly question as the only time you really want to be thinking about doing this is super deep cash, any other time (unless the AA is misplayed) is pure Kamikaze.
But if your getting odds pre or sat deep enough any suited connector, but my choice would prefereably be a PP. Suited connecter boards are more visible to the A when making, but not the underset, much easier to get payed IMO than a wet board the connectors hit (also paint combo vs paint boards).
i think its better to say what hand would be more disguised if your up against As and want to get max out if you get bigger so hand you want against As is either poket pair and hit set you know there going all in then, if a flush on the board easy to fold As. Nothing is beating pk As pre its always after...
i think its better to say what hand would be more disguised if your up against As and want to get max out if you get bigger so hand you want against As is either poket pair and hit set you know there going all in then, if a flush on the board easy to fold As. Nothing is beating pk As pre its always after... Posted by Dazler
Yes the ? was what hand tends to crack aces pre more often the book had a percentage on it
In Response to Re: The best hand pre/flop to beat aces : Yes the ? was what hand tends to crack aces pre more often the book had a percentage on it Posted by cleaverjim
dont see how you can put a percentage on it? any hand can beat As what book was this?
In Response to Re: The best hand pre/flop to beat aces : dont see how you can put a percentage on it? any hand can beat As what book was this? Posted by Dazler
well yeah but obviously when you have 22, you can either get a set or 4 cards to a straight come out.
Where as when you have 78s, you can get trips of 7s or 8s, 2 pair, a straight, or a flush, so the percentage chance of that cracking AA is better than 22.
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 81.191% 80.97% 00.22% 299490480 798894.00 { AA } Hand 1: 18.809% 18.59% 00.22% 68769396 798894.00 { 77-22 }
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 80.690% 80.51% 00.18% 148887792 332118.00 { AA } Hand 1: 19.310% 19.13% 00.18% 35376804 332118.00 { TT-88 }
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 79.887% 77.16% 02.72% 150625572 5315358.00 { AA } Hand 1: 20.113% 17.39% 02.72% 33946368 5315358.00 { JJ+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 86.074% 85.87% 00.21% 141152028 337086.00 { AA } Hand 1: 13.926% 13.72% 00.21% 22554984 337086.00 { KQs, KQo }
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 85.645% 85.45% 00.20% 140457480 326112.00 { AA } Hand 1: 14.355% 14.16% 00.20% 23271480 326112.00 { KJs, KJo }
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 86.676% 86.48% 00.20% 1563640248 3626526.00 { AA } Hand 1: 13.324% 13.12% 00.20% 237299724 3626526.00 { K2s+, K2o+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 87.579% 86.96% 00.62% 214409976 1535772.00 { AA } Hand 1: 12.421% 11.80% 00.62% 29090256 1535772.00 { A2s+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 85.831% 85.64% 00.19% 1407700416 3200910.00 { AA } Hand 1: 14.169% 13.97% 00.19% 229709604 3200910.00 { Q2s+, Q2o+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 80.381% 80.21% 00.17% 131848512 282258.00 { AA } Hand 1: 19.619% 19.45% 00.17% 31968156 282258.00 { 76s, 76o }
equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 77.796% 77.61% 00.18% 31896036 74358.00 { AA } Hand 1: 22.204% 22.02% 00.18% 9050544 74358.00 { T9s }
So 45s through to J10s are the best
But if your getting odds pre or sat deep enough any suited connector, but my choice would prefereably be a PP. Suited connecter boards are more visible to the A when making, but not the underset, much easier to get payed IMO than a wet board the connectors hit (also paint combo vs paint boards).
Where as when you have 78s, you can get trips of 7s or 8s, 2 pair, a straight, or a flush, so the percentage chance of that cracking AA is better than 22.
Hand 0: 81.191% 80.97% 00.22% 299490480 798894.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 18.809% 18.59% 00.22% 68769396 798894.00 { 77-22 }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 80.690% 80.51% 00.18% 148887792 332118.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 19.310% 19.13% 00.18% 35376804 332118.00 { TT-88 }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 79.887% 77.16% 02.72% 150625572 5315358.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 20.113% 17.39% 02.72% 33946368 5315358.00 { JJ+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 86.074% 85.87% 00.21% 141152028 337086.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 13.926% 13.72% 00.21% 22554984 337086.00 { KQs, KQo }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 85.645% 85.45% 00.20% 140457480 326112.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 14.355% 14.16% 00.20% 23271480 326112.00 { KJs, KJo }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 86.676% 86.48% 00.20% 1563640248 3626526.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 13.324% 13.12% 00.20% 237299724 3626526.00 { K2s+, K2o+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 87.579% 86.96% 00.62% 214409976 1535772.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 12.421% 11.80% 00.62% 29090256 1535772.00 { A2s+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 85.831% 85.64% 00.19% 1407700416 3200910.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 14.169% 13.97% 00.19% 229709604 3200910.00 { Q2s+, Q2o+ }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 80.381% 80.21% 00.17% 131848512 282258.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 19.619% 19.45% 00.17% 31968156 282258.00 { 76s, 76o }
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 77.796% 77.61% 00.18% 31896036 74358.00 { AA }
Hand 1: 22.204% 22.02% 00.18% 9050544 74358.00 { T9s }