As a person who can only look in awe at people who can lose £300 and reload another £300 straight away.
with a limited bankroll allocated each month i play dym's
To try and build a bankroll at these tables is nigh impossible.
for instance
if you take part in 3 dym's at any level win 2 lose one which i think is about average so at £5.50 level
£5.50x3 invested out lay £16.50
return £20
roi £3.50
as it takes about an hour on average to play these games you may be able to play a day.
please sky reduce the rake on dyms to 5%
0 ·
There's been many threads about this before bluereid11, a new one pops up about once a month. Sky are highly unlikely to reduce the rake in these because they're very popular and fill so quickly at the current level.
Multi-tabling DYMs is the only way of speeding up the process but still small wins really. But as with anything, if you don't like it, don't play them.
I sometimes have a go of the 10 man (35p) bounty hunter SnG if I just want some cheap fun and you can get around £2 for a win with a few heads there, decent return.
It is obvious to all who play them that the rake is too high and should be reduced, but Sky don't seem to value the players opinions on this.
As you say, you have to find a level where you are consistently winning 2/3 for a small return, and play multitable to make a decent profit.
Best of luck at the DYM tables once Sky have reduced the rake(I live in hope).
But 6/10 wins gives an ROI of 8% (not 15%)
10 x £5.50 = £55.00 invested
6 wins x £10 = £60.00 return
Profit £60.00 - £55.00 = £5.00
£5.00 / £55.00 = 8.33%
If the rake were halved to 5% the profit for 6/10 wins would increse to £7.50 on £52.50 invested, that's an ROI of 14.28%
A return of 21.2%, if you can achieve the ratio of wins.
Pretty hard though given the variance.
But if the OP is wanting to make money using DYMs only, the problem is the time it takes to win a substantial amount, unless you can achieve the 2/3 ratio at a significant level.
Teach me please!
Moobs Towers Perhaps?