I know YOUNG_GUN once won 2 in a row. However, that doesn't really count because in the 2nd one, his oppenent got disconnected. And me... I don't play them. Posted by splashies
Ive been playing alot of the £10.50 of these recently and was wondering if anyone knows the most that has been won in a row? Posted by Keevil
I will be starting a hu comp version of the world dym leader board in the near future . How soon ? Let you know in the next few days , it may be threaded next week or 2 months time , depending on another hu comp getting the go ahead first .
Denis .
p.s here is the world heads up sharkscope leader board /> /> />
Den-laaaa, is there not a leaderboard specific to turbo HU games? And for anyone who moans about "losing every flip" bla bla, a HU game is 50 50 when 2 players are evenly matched, which is basically a coin flip. And a guy has won 35 IN A ROW!!!! WTF HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Thats Derren Brown sheeeeeet! Was Felix7 your FT alias b4 it was no more IM? V much looking forward to this HU challenge, I might have half a chance with this un! Posted by DOHHHHHHH
There is only 2 types of hu leader boards on scope , 1. overall any hu game any buy in streak leader board . 2. buy in specific hu leader boards .
I had communication via a few emails with scope a few weeks back and the word is they monitor / have stringent checks on any claims on the hu streaks . These games are so open to collusion .
Yep hope to have go ahead for hu challenge soon if not no probs we sort something out .
MIn Response to SNG's HU Turbocharged : I will be starting a hu comp version of the world dym leader board in the near future . How soon ? Let you know in the next few days , it may be threaded next week or 2 months time , depending on another hu comp getting the go ahead first . Denis . p.s here is the world heads up sharkscope leader board /> /> /> 1 vocal20 PokerStars 35 1 lilachaa PokerStars 35 3 zorrr0 PokerStars.it 33 3 xerip PokerStars 33 5 jeeperscrow PokerStars 30 5 paqs2110 PokerStars 30 5 zivbaryosef PokerStars 30 8 sgnapa85 PokerStars.it 29 8 calaglin06 PokerStars 29 8 OMGYanukovic PokerStars 29 8 MrCukovic PokerStars 29 8 lnLevWeTrust PokerStars 29 8 moggiopoli1 PokerStars.it 29 14 hotello PokerStars 28 14 Yokker25 PokerStars 28 16 Ty3uK PokerStars 27 16 Wond3rKid PokerStars 27 16 Felix7 FullTilt 27 19 Slapnuts22 FullTilt 26 19 evilletrent PokerStars 26 Posted by IRISHROVER
Sounds like fun!
I enjoy the turbocharged more than just the regular HU games but will definately be giving it a crack....
And for 35 in a row.... Thats unreal but im going to give it a go
However, that doesn't really count because in the 2nd one, his oppenent got disconnected.
And me... I don't play them.
How soon ?
Let you know in the next few days ,
it may be threaded next week or 2 months time ,
depending on another hu comp getting the go ahead first .
Denis .
p.s here is the world heads up sharkscope leader board /> /> />
1. overall any hu game any buy in streak leader board .
2. buy in specific hu leader boards .
I had communication via a few emails with scope a few weeks back and
the word is they monitor / have stringent checks on any claims on the hu streaks .
These games are so open to collusion .
Yep hope to have go ahead for hu challenge soon if not no probs we
sort something out .
Denis .