Following on from moi winning the orf donk prize lol !
Acebarry WILL GET 10% OF ANY WINNINGS FOR HELPING OUT & I WONT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER BAZ LOL . PLEASE CHECK THE ongoingupdating postings by acebarry on THREAD AND ACEBARRY'S LIST below BEFORE GUESSING, AS IF YOU DUPLICATE A PREVIOUS GUESS YOUR ENTRY IS VOID. IF YOU DON'T POST A PREFERRED NIGHT TO PLAY YOUR ENTRY DOES NOT COUNT! So, for a free seat in a TSP Classic of your choice... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------(1)Where will I finish in friday night's TSP Classic? and (2)What night do you want to play if you win? terms and conditions....Closest prediction wins and in the event of a tie the winner will be whoever posted first. If the nearest predictions are the same amount of places either side of my actual exit (eg I finish 80th and 1 player predicts 79th and another 81st), again, I will go for whoever posted first! The entries close at 8.55pm on FRIDAY night- giving AceBarry five minutes to collate the results before the tourney starts! All duplicate guesses or entries which don't specify a preferred night to play, will be void.Feel free to come and rail me in the tourney. Even better, why not enter the tourney and be the one to knock me out in the position you predicted! GOOD LUCK! :-) acebarry10 Posts: 7229 First: 13/6/2009 Last: 26/8/2011 NameGuessVoidTRIP51stWednesdayDazler24thSaturdayharding102ndFridayelsadog453th??????debdobs673rdTuesdayMeloPete10thWednesdaylea1163114thWednesdayTalon23rdMondaysplashies5thMondayloonytoons38thWednesdayBoxster6thWednesdaybillyboots7thWednesday 7thMP338thMondayBARBIE599thThursdayacebarry10thThursdayjams8811thTuesdayGlenelg12thTuesdaymkgunner13thTuesdaydubmaster14thMondaymarcus19115thMondayDOHHHHHHH16thMondayShaun_LCFC17thMondaydelaney0918thThursday 8th67Bhoys19thThursdaywalesboy20thMondayDTWBANDIT21stTuesdayimber22ndMondaybeslsibub23rdWednesdayLambert18024thThursdayBIGAL11825thFridayrobalanxxx26thWednesdayAcidMan27thTuesdayQuietly128thWednesdayDonut6429thMondaylozgo30thTuesdayDeJa_Vu31stFridaysporny32ndWednesdaylcfcfan1433rdTuesdayDarntootin34thThursdayredvanman35thFridaysweetylady36thMondaydjblacke0437thFridayGrave38thMondaySAV4BP39thMondaylabrat6440thThursdayWWFCBlue41stMondaynbjv42ndWednesdaykennybad43rdFridayAny2Suited44thFridayKiwini4u45thFridayjimb0d146thTuesdayRed_King47thMondaytorryboy48thMondayc_a_f_c1050thMondayDUNMIDOSH51stWednesday
21st & Tuesday Please gl m8y
and wednesday please
Wednesday as it's the only day I really get free ATM