In Response to Re: comp started but reg still open / 93 challengers so far / Heads up challenge! 3 * £110 Sky Roller seats on offer, post up your interest in this thread. info in opening post : Thankyou, good luck to you too. Just managed to bink level 6, it's getting tougher. Somebody call a nurse for bandini ; ) Posted by AcidMan27
it was,i got luvky at end but glad to have done it just one to go now, (not gonna be easy) Posted by alan1506
confirmed by me on sharkscope, everything looks above board , i am now going to pass your excelentooooooooooooooo result on to skypoker to be verified .
wow what a night , had no chance in sorting a leader board , between raver , kids , me laughing my head off at some of the banter here , Alan the mannnnn winning through on level 11 and dare i say setting raver up to attempt this challenge lol .
In Response to Re: comp started but reg still open / 93 challengers so far / Heads up challenge! 3 * £110 Sky Roller seats on offer, post up your interest in this thread. info in opening post : WD & UL i will put your 6 in leader board tonight , gl in your next attempt . Posted by IRISHROVER
Hi bud just a note to say , dont play 2 in the same level together ok .
the very best of luck bud ,
go do it .
Nurse Elsa on his way ,
gl in level 7 ,
vwd .
oIn Response to Re: comp started but reg still open / 93 challengers so far / Heads up challenge! 3 * £110 Sky Roller seats on offer, post up your interest in this thread. info in opening post:
omg u the mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !
i am now going to pass your
excelentooooooooooooooo result on to skypoker to be verified .
Denis .
wow what a night ,
had no chance in sorting a leader board , between raver , kids , me laughing my head off at some of the banter here , Alan the mannnnn winning through on level 11 and dare i say setting raver up to attempt this challenge lol .
Promise i will set a leader board up tomorrow .
Denis .
p.s now 1 quick level 3 hu game shsssss lol .
dont play 2 in the same level together ok .
but this fine here />>