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DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
edited August 2011 in Poker Chat
its early been catchin up on some poker vids and come across this one on the tube. I think it being in another language just makes it more amusing. I havnt stopped laughing for 20min and to think this was being recorded i would kill my self and never play the game again. PMSL BIG TIME :)


  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2011

    Ok WTF. Great link Daz, I've seen this once before but had forgotten about it.

    Also, did AJ fold the river? Was folding the right play anyway?

    What about 99's 200 lead on the flop? And AJ's 3xraise of that donk lead?

    And what about AJ's 1000 "value" bet on the river?

    What would YOU have done? Please post your thoughts here peeps, I haven't got a clue!

  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited August 2011
    took me 2 watches as i was in fits before i analized it properly Check out the Comentator guy shouting 'Excuse me its late im gonna scream....AYYYYY' lol.

    yes i think AJ folded and said 'ok i think your fh is better than mine' even though he had the absolute nuts and the other guy with the pk 9s could see he had the absolute nuts and shoved all in anyway LMAO the 2 most dumbest players in the world.

    Priceless entertainment :)
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: IM CRYIN RIGHT NOW:
    took me 2 watches as i was in fits before i analized it properly Check out the Comentator guy shouting 'Excuse me its late im gonna scream....AYYYYY' lol. yes i think AJ folded and said 'ok i think your fh is better than mine' even though he had the absolute nuts and the other guy with the pk 9s could see he had the absolute nuts and shoved all in anyway LMAO the 2 most dumbest players in the world. FOR...FOR GODS SAKE ALFREDO ALFREDO! Priceless entertainment :)
    Posted by Dazler
    Well that's the thing - he was beat by J9 and 22 so he didn't have the stone cold nuts and his hand was face up so Alfredo could only have one of those two hands right?

    So was Alfredo's all-in genius or donk? And was AJ's fold right or wrong?

    And how about the way the hand was played through the streets by both players?

    So many questions in this hand!
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited August 2011
    sorry yes your right either quad 2s or J9 was beating him, the betting was awful and my chips woulda been all in way before the river. iM Still wetting my pants at the moment will have to watch it again and again and again :)

    to be fair even though the betting was so silly upto the river you gotta wonder what was going through there minds on the river.


    personaly i think BOTH SUPER DONK but what do you think?
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: IM CRYIN RIGHT NOW:
    sorry yes your right either quad 2s or J9 was beating him, the betting was awful and my chips woulda been all in way before the river. iM Still wetting my pants at the moment will have to watch it again and again and again :) to be fair even though the betting was so silly upto the river you gotta wonder what was going through there minds on the river. AS JINGLEMA SAID WAS ALFREDO A SUPER GENIUS OR SUPER DONK? AND WOULD YOU FOLD WITH THE AJ? personaly i think BOTH SUPER DONK but what do you think?
    Posted by Dazler

    I cant tell who wins, AJ leads 1k then folds to the 4300 allin on river?
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: IM CRYIN RIGHT NOW:
    sorry yes your right either quad 2s or J9 was beating him, the betting was awful and my chips woulda been all in way before the river. iM Still wetting my pants at the moment will have to watch it again and again and again :) to be fair even though the betting was so silly upto the river you gotta wonder what was going through there minds on the river. AS JINGLEMA SAID WAS ALFREDO A SUPER GENIUS OR SUPER DONK? AND WOULD YOU FOLD WITH THE AJ? personaly i think BOTH SUPER DONK but what do you think?
    Posted by Dazler
    Yep, no doubt when you watch this hand 1st time, it all looks jaw-droppingly bad.

    BUT, with AJ literally being face-up, it changes the whole dynamic of the hand.

    It means AJ can never go all-in because he's only getting called if he's beat and 99 can't go all in before the river because there's a danger he will lose his customer. (because AJ knows his hand is face up so why would oppo set him in - as it is, he even folded on the river).

    THEN 99 (Alfredo) falls behind on the river but continues his story anyway with the check/raise all-in. The question AJ has to ask himself is, "would Alfredo risk checking the nuts on the river to induce the value bet from me?"

    Amazing hand.

    EDIT - I think it also doesn't help that the commentators are only thinking on a very basic level, which doesn't reflect the much higher level (possibly from Alfredo) that the players may have been thinking on.

    Also, I'm def calling clubs parsley from now on. 8- />

  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited August 2011

    Did the guy with AJ fold the river? If he did b/f the river is beyond bad. I think him raisng any street post flop is prob pretty bad too

  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: IM CRYIN RIGHT NOW:
    Did the guy with AJ fold the river? If he did b/f the river is beyond bad. I think him raisng any street post flop is prob pretty bad too
    Posted by grantorino
    What do you think about the AJ lead for "value" on the river gran?

    He can only be called/raised if he's chopping/beat so he should only be leading to induce the bluff shove so he's actually got what he wanted and has to call the all-in right?

    What do you think of Alfredo's line down the streets?
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited August 2011
    well I dont know if I like betting river without his hand being face up.

    With his hand being face up its terrible unless he calls a shove. Alfredo raises better hands, worse hands he either shoves or folds so bet/folding is burning chips

    Its kind of hard analsye alfredos play without knowing images of both players. With no real info I would prob bet flop+turn bigger. I think I like the river, mental as it seems, but again its so dependent on dynamic.

    AJ dudes raise on flop is also pretty bad imo
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: IM CRYIN RIGHT NOW:
    well I dont know if I like betting river  without his hand being face up. With his hand being face up its terrible unless he calls a shove. Alfredo raises better hands, worse hands he either shoves or folds so bet/folding is burning chips Its kind of hard analsye alfredos play without knowing images of both players. With no real info I would prob bet flop+turn bigger. I think I like the river, mental as it seems, but again its so dependent on dynamic. AJ dudes raise on flop is also pretty bad imo
    Posted by grantorino
    Yeah, from everything AJ has done in this hand, he just seems to be a donk.

    Alfredo is either a super-donk or he's a maverick who's played his customer perfectly.

  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: IM CRYIN RIGHT NOW:
    Did the guy with AJ fold the river? If he did b/f the river is beyond bad. I think him raisng any street post flop is prob pretty bad too
    Posted by grantorino
    No, the AJ called the all in on the end
  • WHOAMI196WHOAMI196 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited August 2011
    the aj guy called! pause it at 3.14

    crazy hand lol
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited August 2011
    only ever done on live rigged dealer site, pmsl
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