All these guys seemed loose so didn't want to shove and get possibly numerous callers.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceBATHY9Small blind £0.02£0.02£0.38maggs6525Sitout thethirdpoBig blind £0.04£0.06£6.07 Your hole cardsQQ razza87Call £0.04£0.10£3.57WALTERCOOCall £0.04£0.14£1.44Kingtmh1Call £0.04£0.18£2.40BATHY9All-in £0.38£0.56£0.00thethirdpoCall £0.36£0.92£5.71razza87Call £0.36£1.28£3.21WALTERCOOCall £0.36£1.64£1.08Kingtmh1All-in £2.40£4.04£0.00thethirdpoFold razza87Call £2.04£6.08£1.17WALTERCOOFold BATHY9Show10A razza87ShowJ3 Kingtmh1ShowA7 Flop 53K Turn 7 River 10 BATHY9WinPair of 10s£1.85 £1.85Kingtmh1WinPair of 7s£3.77 £3.77
When guy shoves for his last 38p you HAVE to raise here, big, over £1 then call shove.