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Your thoughts on this hand please

jenny_IYYjenny_IYY Member Posts: 184
edited August 2011 in The Poker Clinic
Game playing very wild and with perfect position on a Massive fish who wont fold anything when this happens. I just call pre to try and set mine simply because we are all playing deep and i know others are going to try and isolate fish and dont want to be reraised and also because i wont like any board without a 8 on it and repping hands just dosnt work v the fish who calls down ATC all the time.

There was a discussion on the mastercash show last week about value betting etc and about how much to bet v certain players and imo this is a prime example.

The reg i am up against is certainly a winning player but i am also certain that he wont fold overpairs with a gun to his head and on this board i felt like the shove looked more like a draw than a set or floped straight so was almost certain he calls with what i was pretty sure was a overpair.

V many other players i only raise flop then push any card turn or call all in reraise flop but v this particular opo i felt the best play was to just get it all in on flop.

Anyways after the hand was played he typed something in chat about my shove being a crazy play etc and although i thought i had played it perfectly v the opo i was up against i was just wondering what the regs on here thought of it ?

TY Jenny.
Hand History #407164008 (04:10 27/08/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceREG PLAYER
Small blind £0.50£0.50£118.20rebullBig blind £1.00£1.50£159.45 Your hole cards88   FISH
Call £1.00£2.50£148.90jenny_IYYCall £1.00£3.50£168.36goldfoxdomFold    BOMBDOGFold    REG PLAYER
Raise £6.00£9.50£112.20rebullFold    FISH
Call £5.50£15.00£143.40jenny_IYYCall £5.50£20.50£162.86Flop  768   REG PLAYER
Bet £10.25£30.75£101.95FISH
Fold    jenny_IYYAll-in £162.86£193.61£0.00REG PLAYER
All-in £101.95£295.56£0.00jenny_IYYUnmatched bet £50.66£244.90£50.66REG PLAYER
ShowKK   jenny_IYYShow88   Turn  J   River  3   jenny_IYYWinThree 8s£243.10 £293.76



  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited August 2011
    Did ya use the HH from the download ? if so i think it comes out much much better if ya copy and paste from the browser.
    As for the hand if the reg has questioned ure play then how about the calling of ure shove with an overpair ? what does he think youve shoved with that he should call?
  • WHOAMI196WHOAMI196 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited August 2011
    lol the reg player shoulda tank-folded that hand, great shove btw! a combination of cards could kill the action on the turn....the other reason i like the shove is that he must have 1010 + as i cant see a solid reg player raise oop and lead on the flop into 2 oppo with worse...nh

  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2011
    why dont you raise pre to isolate the fish? you want to build a pot for when you hit + you have a v.good starting hand - don't be afraid of being 3bet

    i have to say i don't really like the shove .. how do you even know the guy has an over pair? atleast raise to £25 to induce bluffs poss, make him stick around with draws, most of the time shoving loses all value, if he cant fold an over pair, i dont see anything wrong with raising small! you're never shoving TP with a straight draw there for example, it should probz be an easy fold for the reg but it depends what he thinks of your play

  • CrazyBen23CrazyBen23 Member Posts: 865
    edited August 2011
    Shoves fine if he's dopey enough to call, -> theres no flush draw on board, most good players easily fold kk there when you shove
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited August 2011
    I like it but I don't like it
    You shove and you get paid then happy days - the majority of the time you will see someone fold an overpair because they feel they can't call with QQ and lower

    If you feel he is on a overpair then the flop and turn extration bets are a nice line, then just shove river

    With the shove then your giving someone a reason to fold rarther than a reason to call, as you have flopped a set you want to give them a reason to call. Hoping he thinks your drawing to a str i think is not good, maybe if the board was wetter with FD aswell then a shove doesn't feel so out of place. You could be doing this with 9's but it seems like such a bold move. He only bet half pot so I am sure you would just call and take another card in a £30 pot.

    But anyway feels like you have turned a value hand into a semi bluff hand, for that reason I don't think you need to do this.

  • Luke_JonesLuke_Jones Member Posts: 33
    edited August 2011
    The hand was perfect but my opinion. It was wrong move at the right time. You did say about the table trying to isolate the fish can he not be doing that with 10,9 lol. the bigger thing is what are you going to get called with in that spot big over pairs and maybe a set most good players dont pay you off there
  • rentisduerentisdue Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2011

    You obviously knew he couldnt fold by what you said in op post about playing it different v other reg players and have only played it this way knowing your opos game and like someone said above about a action killer may have come on turn so the push in this situation is easily the best play. If he is doing this with AK etc you obvi dont get called but that said you prob dont get called on a standard raise either unless he is holding some sort of draw cards and in all honesty i think when he said it was a crazy shove in the chat box he was really thinking crazy call lol ))

    If this guy is a reg player then he really needs to plug a leak like this in his game because calling things like this must be massive -Ev long term but im a one to talk cos im always spewing cash at nlh lol.

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited August 2011
    Why would you limp along, HAVE to raise imo.

    Guy has raised 6x in SB after two limps why does he HAVE to have an overpair, he could easily have AK/AQ, I personally hate the shove when your hand is so strong should raise to about £30 and go from there.

    Finally why do you care if he thinks it's bad just keep letting him do it thinking he's right.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    Why would you limp along, HAVE to raise imo. Guy has raised 6x in SB after two limps why does he HAVE to have an overpair, he could easily have AK/AQ, I personally hate the shove when your hand is so strong should raise to about £30 and go from there. Finally why do you care if he thinks it's bad just keep letting him do it thinking he's right.
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Q1. Why do you think a good reg cbets oop 3way with Ahi on this board after action pre with a fish in the hand. He could but its unlikely imo

    Q2 If he has AK do you think it makes much difference if we make it 30 or shove? Maybe, but prob not a lot imo
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited August 2011
    I raise pre, dont think it looks that much like an isolation raise from those positions, and its going to be tough get those stacks across line if pot is limped around. If you think being 3bet is very likely limping is ok I think

    Postflop, idk, you prob know your customer well and I find people often call off lighter to shoves than small raises. However I prefer the smaller raise as it makes it more likely you are bluffing, and there is a small chance he might 3bet air. Also he may fold JJ,QQ etc to a shove quicker than a smaller raise. Really dont mind the shove though

     I cant beleive he called it off if hes decent (unless you are superaggro), your range after action absolutely crushes KK as you very rarely have just a bare draw or something like JJ 
  • WHOAMI196WHOAMI196 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    Why would you limp along, HAVE to raise imo. Guy has raised 6x in SB after two limps why does he HAVE to have an overpair, he could easily have AK/AQ, I personally hate the shove when your hand is so strong should raise to about £30 and go from there. Finally why do you care if he thinks it's bad just keep letting him do it thinking he's right.
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    he doesnt have to raise here, limping is ok in this spot as the hero had explained, turned out great infact. Its more likely than not the villain has a made hand, raisng from the worst less profitable position in the game possibly, and decent players respect that. because of this he is not isolating the fish oop thats for sure! so that alone narrows his range a lot, what narrows it further is the fact that he c/bets on an ugly board for any face card combo, and so im sure he would c/f AK,AQ,KQ etc. weighing all that up it SUGESTS that he has a strong hand.

    The shove is great because he is not going to gat any value from hand i mentioned above with a £30 re-raise, only from 99 - AA, a pretty narrow range, assuming he had a made hand pre-flop that is.  lets say he just flatts the  re raise and a 9 comes the hero is going to lose a lot of action from the higher end of the villains range. the shove only works with certain players, as it did work here its superb move.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please : Q1. Why do you think a good reg cbets oop 3way with Ahi on this board after action pre with a fish in the hand. He could but its unlikely imo Q2 If he has AK do you think it makes much difference if we make it 30 or shove? Maybe, but prob not a lot imo
    Posted by grantorino
    1. Well I wouldn't but you never know, it's only half-pot so maybe just looking to take it for minimum.

    2. Well of course not vs AK but shoving with top set just doesn't feel right imo, I guess the one positive is it looks like a draw played strong but still prefer £30 raise.
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please : he doesnt have to raise here, limping is ok in this spot as the hero had explained, turned out great infact. Its more likely than not the villain has a made hand, raisng from the worst less profitable position in the game possibly, and decent players respect that. because of this he is not isolating the fish oop thats for sure! so that alone narrows his range a lot, what narrows it further is the fact that he c/bets on an ugly board for any face card combo, and so im sure he would c/f AK,AQ,KQ etc. weighing all that up it SUGESTS that he has a strong hand. The shove is great because he is not going to gat any value from hand i mentioned above with a £30 re-raise, only from 99 - AA, a pretty narrow range, assuming he had a made hand pre-flop that is.  lets say he just flatts the  re raise and a 9 comes the hero is going to lose a lot of action from the higher end of the villains range. the shove only works with certain players, as it did work here its superb move.
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    don't agree, 6-max this is always a raise imo

    agreed, he's probz not isolating the fish with too weak a holding, but that doesn't mean he has a pair, he's probz raising a huge range still, A9 + K10s + most PP's ... 

    agreed again, i do doubt he's cbetting with AK, but you never know, he could easily be c betting a draw, 99, 1010, JJ .... all of which he should fold to a shove, whereas if you raise to £25 he can call and you extract more value - i just think in the long term a smaller raise is more profitable than a shove. if hero is accurate with there reads then villain will go all in with over pair anyway, you don't have to shove

  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited August 2011
    id be raising 100% preflop, probably to 6-7x.

    in a vacuum i think flop jam isnt optimal but if you're sure he doesnt fold overpairs, then its fine

    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please : The shove is great because he is not going to gat any value from hand i mentioned above with a £30 re-raise, only from 99 - AA, a pretty narrow range, assuming he had a made hand pre-flop that is.  lets say he just flatts the  re raise and a 9 comes the hero is going to lose a lot of action from the higher end of the villains range. the shove only works with certain players, as it did work here its superb move.
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    1st bolded part doesnt make much sense

    2nd bolded part is just results orientated thinking
  • WHOAMI196WHOAMI196 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    id be raising 100% preflop, probably to 6-7x. in a vacuum i think flop jam isnt optimal but if you're sure he doesnt fold overpairs, then its fine In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please : 1st bolded part doesnt make much sense 2nd bolded part is just results orientated thinking
    Posted by LOL_RAISE
    1. read it again 
    2.results orientated thinking situational thinking 
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please : 1. read it again  2.results orientated thinking situational thinking  3.AM I THE ONLY GUY ON THIS SITE THAT CAN MOVE AWAY FROM ABC POKER? MIXING MY GAME UP? MY OWN NON INFLUENCED VIEWS?  4. HAVE YOUR OWN VIEW ON THE HAND RATHER THAN TROLLIN EVERYTHIN I $%&*$% SAY, "SHOULD DO THIS, MUST DO THAT"...JUST .... OFF
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    lol go to 2+2, you wouldn't last if you think everybody is blunt on here
  • WHOAMI196WHOAMI196 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please : lol go to 2+2, you wouldn't last if you think everybody is blunt on here
    Posted by percival09
    no i wouldent mind but this site is allways one sided everyone has the same views, and you get the ....... same group of ti ts nit picking every time, jumping on the same band wagon of ridiculing someones views ...allways one liners, "bad imo" and other cr ap.. rather than explaining why
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please : no i wouldent mind but this site is allways one sided everyone has the same views, and you get the ....... same group of ti ts nit picking every time, jumping on the same band wagon of ridiculing someones views ...allways one liners, "bad imo" and other cr ap.. rather than explaining why
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    tbf when you first started posting on these strategy boards, I thought you got a very hard time and people were out of order to you....

    But recently it's getting the other way around....

    "everyone" says the thing because in the most part, there's a correct way to play a hand.....

    I'm all for individuality, and going against the grain, which is why I thought at first that there was no need for people to be so hard on you...

    But it works both ways, if you expect people to respect your opinion, u gotta respect theirs, even if they are just copying everyone else (but that's how we learn)

    You just need to reign it in a tad bud, I get bored of predictable forum posters also, but when they're trying to help others, and themselves, you would do well to understand, and respect that.

  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please : tbf when you first started posting on these strategy boards, I thought you got a very hard time and people were out of order to you.... But recently it's getting the other way around.... "everyone" says the thing because in the most part, there's a correct way to play a hand..... I'm all for individuality, and going against the grain, which is why I thought at first that there was no need for people to be so hard on you... But it works both ways, if you expect people to respect your opinion, u gotta respect theirs, even if they are just copying everyone else (but that's how we learn) You just need to reign it in a tad bud, I get bored of predictable forum posters also, but when they're trying to help others, and themselves, you would do well to understand, and respect that.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Well i see what ya mean dohhh BUT i like whoami and DO agree that just cos we play at a lower level than the high rollers DOES NOT mean we have to have the same view as them , i am confident that if i had a roll to match them i would no way try to avoid em at a table , im extremely confident at poker and obv learnin all of the time BUT i sit and watch some of these players quite a few nites a week and a gd few times have noticed that all do not practice what they preach , tho NONE will openly admit this on the forum xxx
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please:
    In Response to Re: Your thoughts on this hand please : 1. read it again  2.results orientated thinking situational thinking  3.AM I THE ONLY GUY ON THIS SITE THAT CAN MOVE AWAY FROM ABC POKER? MIXING MY GAME UP? MY OWN NON INFLUENCED VIEWS?  4. HAVE YOUR OWN VIEW ON THE HAND RATHER THAN TROLLIN EVERYTHIN I $%&*$% SAY, "SHOULD DO THIS, MUST DO THAT"...JUST .... OFF
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    1. are you saying if he makes it £30 opponent is going to carry on with the same range if we made it £130?
    that does make sense and id probably agree with it, but id rather be making it £30 rather than 130 so that i can actually have bluffs in my range.

    2. if we open shove aces and our opponent calls with kings then its a great shove obv.

    3. 'mixing my game up' is an excuse for playing a hand sub optimally 99% of the time

    4.  no u
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