Hey guys Stumbled across this thread and can I just say this has been a great read!!! My son is 3 and a half and only last week we had an appointment with the Child Development Team who informed me he needs extensive help with his speech and learning development and they want to place him a more specialised nursery. Thay have said they are considering autism (along with other things) and want to run further tests. If you don't mind me asking Don when were you diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome? I've waited a year to get to this stage with my son but still don't know when they will start doing blood tests etc Thanks guys Posted by lisar83
i cant remeber exactly i was about 9-12 ish before diagnosed although problems had already been noticed right from the start of nursery.
it wasnt until i was 17 they then diagnosed me with anxiety which again theyve suspected since a very young age.
In Response to Re: Learning disabilities. : Any diagnosis is difficult in young children. Aspergers itself has only been diagnosed with any success in the last 20 years. Diagnosis for autism/aspergers syndrome does not, as far as I am aware, require any blood tests. Autism covers a wide range, not just Aspergers. If you think of the Autistic spectrum as a pyramid then Aspergers would be about half way up. People not demonstrating autism would be at the base with severe autism at the point. Specialist educational help can work wonders. Once diagnosed the child will be eligible for a range of state help. Posted by elsadog
seriously wish my mum knew this. I wouldnt change my education for much, but there was a serious amount of problems i had during education. As youve stated consentration can be effected and with me i need to be doing multiple things. My help when im playing is often changing music, browsing the web, or in some cases even playing the xbox/ps3 pausing the game while im in a hand. This again goes bck to my education. Focusing on one single thing i find extremely difficult. This gave me massive problems in school in the Education alone. Then the social side of things, which i mentioned before, made it even harder because kids just dont understand why things are said in the way they are.
One thing ive spent a number of years learning is complete self control. Which i still havent grasped in my actions, but thinking about things more now, which helps.
Again Dohhhh mentioned something a few months back about all my desisions in poker being almost instant. Would you say this is an effect of it ?
Also i may contact you for futher advice mate as clearly you know much more than i do. Ive only been able to go by what my mum has explained, as clearly to me this is all natural.
In Response to Re: Learning disabilities. : seriously wish my mum knew this. I wouldnt change my education for much, but there was a serious amount of problems i had during education. As youve stated consentration can be effected and with me i need to be doing multiple things. My help when im playing is often changing music, browsing the web, or in some cases even playing the xbox/ps3 pausing the game while im in a hand. This again goes bck to my education. Focusing on one single thing i find extremely difficult. This gave me massive problems in school in the Education alone. Then the social side of things, which i mentioned before, made it even harder because kids just dont understand why things are said in the way they are. One thing ive spent a number of years learning is complete self control. Which i still havent grasped in my actions, but thinking about things more now, which helps. Again Dohhhh mentioned something a few months back about all my desisions in poker being almost instant. Would you say this is an effect of it ? Also i may contact you for futher advice mate as clearly you know much more than i do. Ive only been able to go by what my mum has explained, as clearly to me this is all natural. Posted by The_Don90
For what it’s worth I will put in my “six penneth”.
Autism Spectrum Disorders are far more prevalent in males (sometimes 10:1) ratio – and often referred to as the “male disease”. You only have to look at the pastimes of blokies – train spotting, Eddie Stobard lorries etc. (lists are fascinating aren’t they?)
An extremely useful diagnostic tool is the Triad of impairments which I will try to simplify right here.
1 – an Impairment in communication – (not necessarily talking but the ability to express)
2 – An Impairment in Social Understanding and situations – (a real awkwardness in knowing how to act and react in company)
and most importantly – and crucial to the diagnosis
3 - an Impairment in Imagination (better described as a failure to understand consequence) – often resulting in behaviour where the outcome is not understood by the perpetrator. An example of this would be action: slapping somebody – the slap is understood but not the pain of the recipient.
The diagnosis cannot be successfully made without the presence of all 3 parts of the Triad to a greater or lesser degree.
One very reassuring fact is that we can all see these traits in ourselves and everyone else we know – and without the influence of Asperger Syndrome our quiz team would not be half as successful as we have been over the past 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!
I published research into Theory of Mind, which is the cognitive deficit in autistic-spectrum disorders. The classic example is this:
You show an autistic child a tube of Smarties and ask what's inside. They say (quite understandably): Smarties.
Then you open the tube and show them that actually there is a pencil inside. Then you ask what their Mum (who is outside the room) will think is inside the tube. They say: A pencil.
i.e. the autist knows what 'they' know but they have trouble inferring what others know or might think. This manifests as inability to pick up on hints (both verbal and non verbal) with obvious consequences in social situations.
I guess this cognitive impairment must affect poker, because so often you are trying to make inferences about what other people know or are thinking. On the other hand, I reckon this could be compensated for quite readily, e.g. perhaps you are less vulnerable to metagame antics, I really don't know.
this IMHO has got to be one of the most informative threads I've seen on Sky Poker for a long time, and, to everyone who has contributed their own experiences can I just applaud you all for your openness. It brings a fascinating insight to a part of the game I had never thought about before.
this IMHO has got to be one of the most informative threads I've seen on Sky Poker for a long time, and, to everyone who has contributed their own experiences can I just applaud you all for your openness. It brings a fascinating insight to a part of the game I had never thought about before. Posted by scouse_red
As I said at the start, there will be advantages and disadvantages but concentrate on the strengths and you never know.
It might interest you to know that I never, ever, do the maths in poker.
The truth is I can't. For that reason I never get involved in hand analysis.
I simply concentrate on what I can do well and so far it has got me through with some success.
this IMHO has got to be one of the most informative threads I've seen on Sky Poker for a long time, and, to everyone who has contributed their own experiences can I just applaud you all for your openness. It brings a fascinating insight to a part of the game I had never thought about before. Posted by scouse_red
Tbh i've never openly admited about my issues before, so i felt doing this has been a massive weight off my shoulders. Also the community hasnt reacted in any way that i would have expected. Often people come out and admit to it and mates treat em differently. I have a mate whos slightly more effected than me who admitted to it in school and was almost instantly made an outcast. This was my worry.
Every single member of the communtiy whos commented on the issue has been very supportive, .
this IMHO has got to be one of the most informative threads I've seen on Sky Poker for a long time, and, to everyone who has contributed their own experiences can I just applaud you all for your openness. It brings a fascinating insight to a part of the game I had never thought about before. Posted by scouse_red
I totally agree, this has got to be one of the best threads that I have seen in a very long time
In Response to Re: Learning disabilities. : +1 As I said at the start, there will be advantages and disadvantages but concentrate on the strengths and you never know. It might interest you to know that I never, ever, do the maths in poker. The truth is I can't. For that reason I never get involved in hand analysis. I simply concentrate on what I can do well and so far it has got me through with some success. Posted by elsadog
Really interesting thread. You have mentioned that you dont apply the theories of maths and probability to, so what would you say is the skill that has made you poker experience successful. Is it the ability to read your opponents or would you say its playing on instinct.
In Response to Re: Learning disabilities. : Tbh i've never openly admited about my issues before, so i felt doing this has been a massive weight off my shoulders. Also the community hasnt reacted in any way that i would have expected. Often people come out and admit to it and mates treat em differently. I have a mate whos slightly more effected than me who admitted to it in school and was almost instantly made an outcast. This was my worry. Every single member of the communtiy whos commented on the issue has been very supportive, . Posted by The_Don90
I'm so glad you feel good about opening up, I personally think anyone who treats you differently just because you admit to having Aspergers is not worth getting upset over!!
I for one am glad you have been open, I have got a lot of information to make things clearer about my son, especially from Alan, sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming asking the doctors, especially when there are 6 of them in the room!!
In Response to Re: Learning disabilities. : Tbh i've never openly admited about my issues before, so i felt doing this has been a massive weight off my shoulders. Also the community hasnt reacted in any way that i would have expected. Often people come out and admit to it and mates treat em differently. I have a mate whos slightly more effected than me who admitted to it in school and was almost instantly made an outcast. This was my worry. Every single member of the communtiy whos commented on the issue has been very supportive, . Posted by The_Don90
Don, FWIW I don't think autistic thinking should be considered a 'disorder' (though I realise I am guilty of using that word in my previous post) - rather, it is a different way of thinking. My bf scores very highly on an autistic scale (lover of lists, can never have the volume on an odd number etc etc) yet is the most sociable person you could meet. Autistic spectrum is huge and definitely encompasses people who are by all standards normal (e.g. sociability, adaptation etc) but may be considered eccentric by some - variety is the spice of life and all!
I really didn't think I'd get a lot of responses from this thread.
Thank you all, tt has really been a fantastic eye opener!
As I said at the start, there will be advantages and disadvantages but concentrate on the strengths and you never know. It might interest you to know that I never, ever, do the maths in poker. The truth is I can't. For that reason I never get involved in hand analysis. I simply concentrate on what I can do well and so far it has got me through with some success. Posted by elsadog
That has given me a big bundle of confidence elsadog, if you can do as well as you do without doing the maths then there's no reason why I can't. Phew :-p
I really didn't think I'd get a lot of responses from this thread. Thank you all, tt has really been a fantastic eye opener! That has given me a big bundle of confidence elsadog, if you can do as well as you do without doing the maths then there's no reason why I can't. Phew :-p Posted by Llamas
i try to figure it out in ratios. instead of thinking im 80% i think im going to 4:1 ill win. 1:3 times i will hit my flush exetera. When it comes to then adding the odds into the play its a little harder, so i round it up to nearest tenth/100th.
Maths isnt something ive struggled with but i always did struggle with percentages and odds so i hope this helps.
In Response to Re: Learning disabilities. : Really interesting thread. You have mentioned that you dont apply the theories of maths and probability to, so what would you say is the skill that has made you poker experience successful. Is it the ability to read your opponents or would you say its playing on instinct. Posted by ACEGOONer
I didn't say I don't apply probability. However I don't consciously do the maths.
It's a bit complex I suppose but the fact is I see everything in pictures. I see words as pictures and I see maths in a similar way. Because of that I score in the top 0.1% of the population for spatial awareness. I know this from some psychometric tests I was party to some years ago. I don't really know what if any help it gives with poker to be honest. It doesn't help me get specific reads on my opponents but I tend to predict their actions with some accuracy based on what has transpired beforehand.
It probably sounds like gobbledygook but it's the best I can explain it.
In Response to Re: Learning disabilities. : Really interesting thread. You have mentioned that you dont apply the theories of maths and probability to, so what would you say is the skill that has made you poker experience successful. Is it the ability to read your opponents or would you say its playing on instinct. Posted by ACEGOONer I didn't say I don't apply probability. However I don't consciously do the maths. It's a bit complex I suppose but the fact is I see everything in pictures. I see words as pictures and I see maths in a similar way. Because of that I score in the top 0.1% of the population for spatial awareness. I know this from some psychometric tests I was party to some years ago. I don't really know what if any help it gives with poker to be honest. It doesn't help me get specific reads on my opponents but I tend to predict their actions with some accuracy based on what has transpired beforehand. It probably sounds like gobbledygook but it's the best I can explain it. Posted by elsadog
In Response to Re: Learning disabilities. : what does this word mean mate? Posted by The_Don90
I've copied this -
Spatial-temporal reasoning is the ability to visualize spatial patterns and mentally manipulate them over a time-ordered sequence of spatial transformations.
This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing solutions to multi-step problems that arise in areas such as architecture, engineering, science, mathematics, art, games, and everyday life.
In Response to Re: Learning disabilities. : I've copied this - Spatial-temporal reasoning is the ability to visualize spatial patterns and mentally manipulate them over a time-ordered sequence of spatial transformations. This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing solutions to multi-step problems that arise in areas such as architecture , engineering , science , mathematics , art , games, and everyday life. Posted by elsadog
ty just noticed mine went weird. i think i understand. i may do some looking up just to make sure im following this correctly.
it wasnt until i was 17 they then diagnosed me with anxiety which again theyve suspected since a very young age.
One thing ive spent a number of years learning is complete self control. Which i still havent grasped in my actions, but thinking about things more now, which helps.
Again Dohhhh mentioned something a few months back about all my desisions in poker being almost instant. Would you say this is an effect of it ?
Also i may contact you for futher advice mate as clearly you know much more than i do. Ive only been able to go by what my mum has explained, as clearly to me this is all natural.
Contact when you like Don
Absolutely brilliant thread – guys.
For what it’s worth I will put in my “six penneth”.
Autism Spectrum Disorders are far more prevalent in males (sometimes 10:1) ratio – and often referred to as the “male disease”. You only have to look at the pastimes of blokies – train spotting, Eddie Stobard lorries etc. (lists are fascinating aren’t they?)
An extremely useful diagnostic tool is the Triad of impairments which I will try to simplify right here.
1 – an Impairment in communication – (not necessarily talking but the ability to express)
2 – An Impairment in Social Understanding and situations – (a real awkwardness in knowing how to act and react in company)
and most importantly – and crucial to the diagnosis
3 - an Impairment in Imagination (better described as a failure to understand consequence) – often resulting in behaviour where the outcome is not understood by the perpetrator. An example of this would be action: slapping somebody – the slap is understood but not the pain of the recipient.
The diagnosis cannot be successfully made without the presence of all 3 parts of the Triad to a greater or lesser degree.
One very reassuring fact is that we can all see these traits in ourselves and everyone else we know – and without the influence of Asperger Syndrome our quiz team would not be half as successful as we have been over the past 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!
You show an autistic child a tube of Smarties and ask what's inside. They say (quite understandably): Smarties.
Then you open the tube and show them that actually there is a pencil inside. Then you ask what their Mum (who is outside the room) will think is inside the tube. They say: A pencil.
i.e. the autist knows what 'they' know but they have trouble inferring what others know or might think. This manifests as inability to pick up on hints (both verbal and non verbal) with obvious consequences in social situations.
I guess this cognitive impairment must affect poker, because so often you are trying to make inferences about what other people know or are thinking. On the other hand, I reckon this could be compensated for quite readily, e.g. perhaps you are less vulnerable to metagame antics, I really don't know.
As I said at the start, there will be advantages and disadvantages but concentrate on the strengths and you never know.
It might interest you to know that I never, ever, do the maths in poker.
The truth is I can't. For that reason I never get involved in hand analysis.
I simply concentrate on what I can do well and so far it has got me through with some success.
Every single member of the communtiy whos commented on the issue has been very supportive,
I'm so glad you feel good about opening up, I personally think anyone who treats you differently just because you admit to having Aspergers is not worth getting upset over!!
I for one am glad you have been open, I have got a lot of information to make things clearer about my son, especially from Alan, sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming asking the doctors, especially when there are 6 of them in the room!!
Well done you
Thank you all, tt has really been a fantastic eye opener! That has given me a big bundle of confidence elsadog, if you can do as well as you do without doing the maths then there's no reason why I can't. Phew :-p
Maths isnt something ive struggled with but i always did struggle with percentages and odds so i hope this helps.
I've copied this -
Spatial-temporal reasoning is the ability to visualize spatial patterns and mentally manipulate them over a time-ordered sequence of spatial transformations.
This ability is important for generating and conceptualizing solutions to multi-step problems that arise in areas such as architecture, engineering, science, mathematics, art, games, and everyday life.
They are different for all of us!!
Facing up to each Challenge, and addressing each beast, is the first step we can make to progressing thru Life on an easier path!!