Not long at the table so no info. Should i be looking to fold here? I think i'm ahead, but its a draw heavy board. Dont think there any trips out there, poss AK or KJ. Should this be an easy fold or a call?
Any thoughts would be great.
SoftenerSmall blind £0.05£0.05£8.35xxxxBig blind £0.10£0.15£19.01 Your hole cardsAA leroy114Fold hitche810Fold MacacanRaise £0.50£0.65£8.51WAKEY288Call £0.50£1.15£6.12SoftenerCall £0.45£1.60£7.90xxxxCall £0.40£2.00£18.61Flop Q8K SoftenerCheck xxxxCheck MacacanBet £1.00£3.00£7.51WAKEY288Fold SoftenerFold xxxxAll-in £18.61£21.61£0.00
0 ·
Was in very similar spot facing 120BB shove other day, Often I feel that these bets want to be called. Opponent easily has 2pr, 1pr and draw, 10J, 2 spades. So already behind, or drawing with no significant advantage.
Alot of it depends on dynamic, how often opponent does this. But I dont mind a fold here. Only issue being you hold the nut spade and 2 of his outs when he holds 10J.
I dont really like this spot so may nit fold, hoping opponent takes a similar line when I feel he has less potential equity.
Cant see your stack size but looks like you are getting around 1.5/1 on the call. However been c/r 4way on this board is pretty strong, and you having As knocks out some of his possible drawing hands. Idk I think I sighcall as KK, QQ unlikely but I dont hate a fold , as amybr says you are rarely in very good shape. Also bet flop bigger
just call and cross your fingers ) But not liking it much ...
you have backdoor spades, outs to better set and 2 pr
nit fold and he shows you draw
I can't fold this here
I dont mind folding to some draws here, wouldnt be definitively bad.
Dont think opponent would take this line with AK
Bet more on flop, at least £1.50 for me.
Looks like you have 80 bigs behind, I probably call this looks like draw played strong, if he has set just make note.