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see everyone at DTD on the 9th/10th

delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
edited August 2011 in Poker Chat

don't think i will be around tomorrow or monday as Tuesday I go into hospital to have a few operations done on my knees.... great timing right.. 1 week before DTD.... so good luck everyone in sunday tournaments and in Forum DTD Monday and i'll see who ever is going to SPT Grand Final on the 9th/10th


  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited August 2011
    TBH Del, fair play for caring about the Forum DTD and the Sunday tournaments but stuff that, just look after yourself m8 and I hope the operation goes well. 
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited August 2011
  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited August 2011
    cheers dyl, look forward to meeting you at dtd

    and ty sporn yeah i could end up having to have an op done on my hip cause the problems with my knees have started to affect my hip and feet alignment basically because i have had the problem since the age of 10 so 10 years and they haven't realised the whole problem until recently my foot stance is automatically outwards compared to a normal straight pointed stance but where i force my feet straight my hips are out of place.... but atm im due to have my ACL reconstructed and pieces of hamstring taken from my thigh to ecreate tendons and ligaments to put my kneecaps back into the middle of my knee but it could end up with having basically fake pieces put into my knee basically rubber which would act as my ligaments and tendons to support my knee caps from going out of place and ending up right in the corner compared to the middle........ good luck with your op on 3rd October hope it goes well for you
  • Quietly1Quietly1 Member Posts: 213
    edited August 2011
    In Response to see everyone at DTD on the 9th/10th:
    don't think i will be around tomorrow or monday as Tuesday I go into hospital to have a few operations done on my knees.... great timing right.. 1 week before DTD.... so good luck everyone in sunday tournaments and in Forum DTD Monday and i'll see who ever is going to SPT Grand Final on the 9th/10th
    Posted by delaney09
    In all sincerity i hope all goes well and you have a smooth recovery, best wishes.

  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: see everyone at DTD on the 9th/10th:
    cheers dyl, look forward to meeting you at dtd and ty sporn yeah i could end up having to have an op done on my hip cause the problems with my knees have started to affect my hip and feet alignment basically because i have had the problem since the age of 10 so 10 years and they haven't realised the whole problem until recently my foot stance is automatically outwards compared to a normal straight pointed stance but where i force my feet straight my hips are out of place.... but atm im due to have my ACL reconstructed and pieces of hamstring taken from my thigh to ecreate tendons and ligaments to put my kneecaps back into the middle of my knee but it could end up with having basically fake pieces put into my knee basically rubber which would act as my ligaments and tendons to support my knee caps from going out of place and ending up right in the corner compared to the middle........ good luck with your op on 3rd October hope it goes well for you
    Posted by delaney09
    Nobody said we were playing poker against the bionic man, is that even allowed?

    Take care pal.
  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited August 2011
    thank you Quietly appreciate it

    and lol aaron by the time the hospital are done with me i'll be surprised if i have anything original left on my body they are slowly taking me apart piece by piece i think and thank you see you at dtd and oh btw good site that is that you have set up enjoy reading it
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,648
    edited August 2011

    1) Hope everything goes well dude.

    2) Looking forward to meeting you at DTD.

    3) Its your round!

    Take care mate :)
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited August 2011
    Del hope it goes well for you m8 take it easy afterwards and don't rush anything
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited August 2011
    a word off warning delaney, don`t sit too close too anyone because when nerves kick in you have involuntary leg kicking out, you have no contol when the nerves start to heal, when i had hip done 17yrs back so many times i had to say sorry and was a pain in rear not being able to control it and the pain, well morpine never helped 
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited August 2011
    Good luck with the operations delaney.

    Don't forget to take some pics of the sexy nurses.

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,121
    edited August 2011
    best of luck in your op and at the dtd delaney! :))
  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited August 2011

      Best of Luck with the OP Ash will see you in Nottingham m8
  • bigflop1bigflop1 Member Posts: 1,034
    edited August 2011
    best of luck mate.. im not at dtd this year, but wish you all the best.. i be on the live stream railing you!!
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