i'm basically playing 25NL and a little 50NL, and i've accumulated thousands of hands against certain players .. so they obv have good reads on me ... so how much should i be looking to balance my range against these players?
flatting monsters IP against them occasionaly? i've read that if i flat 910s on the BTN sometimes, i should flat AA on the BTN sometimes?
c/r with weak holdings occasionaly post flop instead of only draws/strong holdings, or with what range should i be c/r?
obv i don't want to be predictable, but i don't know to what extent i should be working on my image! a good example would be, if i hit TPGK against a reg, i'd usually just c/c if i had good reads on how much he barrels, but sometimes should i raise? this seems v.bad because i'm probz not gonna be called by worse, but if i just c/c with these hands isn't it too predictable what i have?
is it right to play my btn more aggressively if i have a reg to my right? like 3b light against him? CO vs BTN for example ..
also, levelling ... this is a good example, guy i have thousands of hands against raises btn, i 3b from SB with 88, (mixing it up) .. he basically min 4bets, (he has made 4b bluffs before against me) .. and i just shove with 100BB? is this ok or just spewy? (oh he snapped with 99 lol)
I honestly believe that (for the most part) levelling vs regs evens itself out. When you sit with people that you know have the capacity to use all the gears, using the gears doesnt become neccessary. As long as you know the gears are there to be used.
Just knowing that they are there stimulates the desired action.
The other issue you will have is that we are assuming opponents are paying as much attention as you are. Live this is easy to achieve and moniter. Online I think its much trickier.
But experimenting with ranges, bet sizes and layered bets is a must vs frequent flyer opponents.
In losing sessions lately (where I feel no matter the action the deck is going to continue to smack me in the face) I've simply started getting value from the session by pushing the envelope for information. If I'm likely to lose my BI I may aswell see which regs will call what and where for when I'm not having a bad evening.
Your stats probably appear as rock solid to all your opponents, so you have the ideal image to go ahead and exploit.
Just have like a short 1 hour 4 tabling session against regs and play SLAGGy, and see how they adapt.
With the tpgk example I guess you could start leading some flops, or if you start c/raising as a bluff and show it down a couple of times, a cr for value will start to work as he will adapt and call lighter....
I guess with an agro late position dynamic, the 88 v 99 is abit of a cooler! (lol) but if he's 4bet bluffing a decent amount of the time, you can make the shove with stuff like 62s. Like this
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancegoldfoxdom Small blind £0.50 £0.50 £99.50 DOHHHHHHH Big blind £1.00 £1.50 £110.31 Your hole cards 6 2 AsHigh1 Fold Stevie_J Fold NextBest1 Fold xxRaise £3.00 £4.50 £244.27 goldfoxdom Fold DOHHHHHHH Raise £9.00 £13.50 £101.31 xxRaise £19.00 £32.50 £225.27 DOHHHHHHH All-in £101.31 £133.81 £0.00 xxFold DOHHHHHHH Muck
Occasionally of course, it doesn't quite work out, like this.....Don't bluff fish who can't fold AQ though
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceNextBest1 Small blind £0.50 £0.50 £97.00 -bogie- Big blind £1.00 £1.50 £167.62 Your hole cards 9 K xxxRaise £3.00 £4.50 £180.97 P2Call £3.00 £7.50 £109.62 igor1966 Fold DOHHHHHHH Raise £12.00 £19.50 £102.22 NextBest1 Fold -bogie- Fold xxxFold P2Raise £22.00 £41.50 £87.62 DOHHHHHHH All-in £102.22 £143.72 £0.00 P2All-in £87.62 £231.34 £0.00 DOHHHHHHH Unmatched bet £1.60 £229.74 £1.60 P2Show Q A DOHHHHHHH Show 9 K
But as a result of playing like a spa zz, and showing down down junk, people adapt and then this kinda thing happens.....
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetopchipy1 Small blind £0.50 £0.50 £129.65 jvl Big blind £1.00 £1.50 £77.02 Your hole cards K K NextBest1 Fold xxxRaise £4.00 £5.50 £96.00 DOHHHHHHH Raise £12.00 £17.50 £318.95 topchipy1 Fold jvl Fold xxxAll-in £96.00 £113.50 £0.00 DOHHHHHHH Raise £176.00 £289.50 £142.95 DOHHHHHHH Unmatched bet £88.00 £201.50 £230.95 xxxShow 8 8 DOHHHHHHH Show K K Flop 5 10 Q Turn Q River A DOHHHHHHH Win Two Pairs, Kings and Queens £199.70 £430.65
Next time I mnay, or may not (probably wont) play like a nit and hopefully these hands will be in the back of players minds. While I'm talking about that, ty for giving me the opportuniuty to advertise in't clinic
Levelling yourself is just madness though ain't it - i thought that he thought that i thought i did not have it-
The thing is lets say your constantly trying to balance/merge/mix up you value and bluffing ranges and none of the hands are going to showdown
I guess if your only 3 or 4 betting with a certain range then lower that range, then this will become part of you bluffing range also :S
against regs i also 3bet wider for value on the button because it's obviously going to be profitable to play for bigger pots in position (especially when /> 100 bbs deep) and then depending on how they adjust you can be happier getting stacks in lighter against them. against nittier regs you can 3b bluff a ton too when they raise from late position, ideally when you have blockers.
when it's btn vs blind or bvb i don't think you should ever really fold a pair when you 4bet if 100bbs deep so his snap call is good there imo.
Seriously tho the moves sum of ya make at this level astound me , guts , guts and more guts ( not talkin bout ure beer belly either ) lolz
Think i see ya post recently bout ya keep only a certain amount in ure acc @ sky and i do exactly that. I keep a min of 5-6 buy ins at nl10 and a bit more for mtts and sngs , so i dont keep any more than £100 on my acc.
Ive withdrawn £875 so far this year and still got half of that seperate as my bankroll so startin next month gonna move up to nl20 and see how it goes there till december.
Who knows in a couple of years i might be able to play you lot
EDIT well as for meeting ya in a couple of days methinks i may just sit on a diff table
dohhh that 5b is pretty spewy! he has to fold almost 66% of the time to breakeven on it