both plyrs have a kh straight after the river. ply 1 turns over both his cards wich contribute to the straight. ply 2 turns over just 1 card that contributes to the straight. is it a split pot?
both plyrs have a kh straight after the river. ply 1 turns over both his cards wich contribute to the straight. ply 2 turns over just 1 card that contributes to the straight. is it a split pot? Posted by windamon
If they both have a K high straigh they both have a K high straight...
In Response to split pot? : ?? If they both have a K high straigh they both have a K high straight... Posted by AMYBR
In most casinos the rules state that you have to show both your cards to win the pot. If I was the player who had both cards contributing to the straight, I would want to see what TWO cards my opponent had. Even if it's a split pot, gives more information about the player.
You have to show both your cards to take a pot from the middle if neither player has folded
Yes you need to show both cards to split the pot, your hand is essentially your receipt for the pot. But of course it's a split pot if both players have a K high straight. That's why it's so annoying when you have made the straight with both your cards and another card for the straight comes out because it makes it more likely everyone has caught up with you (or gone ahead if it's not the nut straight). No different from if one player had the straight just by playing the board, and one guy had 2 of the cards for the same straight.
If they both have a K high straigh they both have a K high straight...
You have to show both your cards to take a pot from the middle if neither player has folded