hey guys, when i started out playing poker i only used to play mtts and stts, and every time i played cash games i would lose money, but ive recently studied the cash side more and i have been having a crack at nl4 just to see if i improved, and i have been doing very well lately (not trying to blow my own trumpet lol) my question is if im constantly making a profit day in and day out playing cash (at nl4), should i stop playing mtts and stts and stick with cash? im aware that in mtts the potential to raise my bankrole with a big win in one of them would be fantastic, but im always a believer in if somethings not broken then dont fix it, in the sense that if im making money playing cash, why risk losing chunks of my bankrole in mtts and stts.
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don't enter a cash game/mtt/stt with more than 5% of you BR
Also depends what you are aiming to get out of poker if its pure money then stick to what your winning put the tournies tend to be more social and i enjoy playing an mtt alot more than i do cash
Starting BR of £80 to play NL4 - 20 buy ins hit £100 start playing MTT's
5% = £4
NL4 cash
MTT's - mini's are £2.30-£3.30
you could lower this to 2.5 and play DYM/STT's
Grind NL4 till £160 play NL8 - play same MTT'S
hit 200 play NL10 - enter MTT's upto £5.50
ps. don't so what i have done and hit £200 and blow £100 taking shots
Suprising how quick £100 will come and go, don't enter the primo
are you recreational or do you want to make money - you need to get that
straight in your head first - very important to be displined like Dudeskin )