FWIW before the guy answers a true slowroll is utterly the worst thing etiquette wise you can do in poker. If a player doesnt realise why that is then they need a reality check
I put up a post in the clinic asking whether a particular hand was a slowroll a few days ago, simply because I was accused of it. People can differ on what they believe is a slowroll (normally depending on where they are sat), so OP'sters definition would be useful.
its bad manners most of the time as you have the nuts and are just making them sweat, some players get funny if you slow roll even when the player has to call after you which makes no sense as you wanna make a meal out of it to make sure they shove all there chips in. But generally its not nice if you have just shoved and the player to act after you knows your beat but just takes his time.
I see no problem with pausing (not for too long, it's just a waste of time more than anything) and then re-raising because the entire point of poker is surely to mislead your opposition as to what your hand is, so if doing that then re-raising gets you a call that you otherwise wouldn't have got, I don't see any problems.
My definition of a slowroll would be where the only action remaining is to call or fold and you dawdle and delay when you know you're winning... well this can't be the case unless you have the absolute nuts so a better way of saying it may be when you have no intention of folding. As people mentioned above I think it's the worst ettiquette in a game of live poker as it serves no purpose other than to annoy the opposition
I see no problem with pausing (not for too long, it's just a waste of time more than anything) and then re-raising because the entire point of poker is surely to mislead your opposition as to what your hand is, so if doing that then re-raising gets you a call that you otherwise wouldn't have got, I don't see any problems. My definition of a slowroll would be where the only action remaining is to call or fold and you dawdle and delay when you know you're winning... well this can't be the case unless you have the absolute nuts so a better way of saying it may be when you have no intention of folding . As people mentioned above I think it's the worst ettiquette in a game of live poker as it serves no purpose other than to annoy the opposition Posted by Lambert180
This was why I asked for people to define a slowroll. This (as you say) is not and never will be a slowroll.
This is a slow roll
Cant remeber the specific EPT event but anyone see Liv Boree get slowrolled vs AA, as opponent waited about 5minutes for camera to come over?.
Slowrolling is pointless rude and un-neccessary. If you need time to think thats all well and good, but otherwise its super bad form.
Indeed. Most of the time on TV when I've seen a player with a monster, say quads, and someone's bluffed all-in on the river, the guy with quads literally instantly just says call, turns his cards over and says unlucky. That's what I like to see...it's not that often I've seen proper slow rolling on tv.
We did have a debate recently about whether Hellmuth was slowrolling on the Channel 5 cash game, when the flop was 9910 and he had A9, but he did say he genuinely considered the fact he could be behind, and I'd say it's best to just take his word for it.
The only way ya can slowroll is if ALL of oppo's chips are in the pot AND ya hold an unbeatable hand and take the max amount of time to make the unloseable call , and it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucx
A combination of thinking if he was behind (I think he feared 10's full) - which he ought to be. The click back screams strength in that hand, the amatuer taking a very odd line with K's that would have caused Hellmuth to at least considor. But also thinking time to ensure gets rest of guys money. For the money that thet amatuer had behind it was a tad OTT but when you make a habit of never snap acting it becomes habitual
Define for me what your believe a slow roll is first please
FWIW before the guy answers a true slowroll is utterly the worst thing etiquette wise you can do in poker. If a player doesnt realise why that is then they need a reality check
I put up a post in the clinic asking whether a particular hand was a slowroll a few days ago, simply because I was accused of it. People can differ on what they believe is a slowroll (normally depending on where they are sat), so OP'sters definition would be useful.
My definition of a slowroll would be where the only action remaining is to call or fold and you dawdle and delay when you know you're winning... well this can't be the case unless you have the absolute nuts so a better way of saying it may be when you have no intention of folding. As people mentioned above I think it's the worst ettiquette in a game of live poker as it serves no purpose other than to annoy the opposition
This is a slow roll
Cant remeber the specific EPT event but anyone see Liv Boree get slowrolled vs AA, as opponent waited about 5minutes for camera to come over?.
Slowrolling is pointless rude and un-neccessary. If you need time to think thats all well and good, but otherwise its super bad form.
We did have a debate recently about whether Hellmuth was slowrolling on the Channel 5 cash game, when the flop was 9910 and he had A9, but he did say he genuinely considered the fact he could be behind, and I'd say it's best to just take his word for it.
If the new stupid "Jamie Gold" rule can be introduced then we need to see a rule introduced to prevent this.
Re Liv Boree incident.
Yes, I watched that, but I seem to remember that the Guy wasn`t English. So he probably didn`t know any better.
(Am now putting on tin hat and retiring to the Anderson Shelter to await "in coming"}