can he see my cards or something!?!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceklassSmall blind £0.05£0.05£8.71SN1PERBig blind £0.10£0.15£10.79 Your hole cardsKK WengeneFold robyoungRaise £0.40£0.55£22.53xTheNutzxFold Smiler01Call £0.40£0.95£8.96klassAll-in £8.71£9.66£0.00SN1PERFold robyoungRaise £16.72£26.38£5.81Smiler01Fold robyoungUnmatched bet £8.36£18.02£14.17klassShowAA robyoungShowKK Flop J22 Turn J River 6 klassWinTwo Pairs, Aces and Jacks£16.66 £16.66
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They're hoping they're gonna get called and win a really big pot but in reality they're only getting called by about 3 possible hands and it's pretty unlikely someone is gonna have one of them. They're losing alot of value mostly.
And after all, he read it right.