possibly should have reraised pre but thought i'd see a safe flop first (ie no aces).good job i hadn't upped my roll back.
walesboySmall blind £0.02£0.02£1.99sBig blind £0.04£0.06£2.39 Your hole cardsKK KCall £0.04£0.10£2.61jCall £0.04£0.14£4.20DRaise £0.20£0.34£5.62walesboyCall £0.18£0.52£1.81sCall £0.16£0.68£2.23KCall £0.16£0.84£2.45jCall £0.16£1.00£4.04Flop 359 walesboyBet £0.75£1.75£1.06sFold KFold jFold DAll-in £5.62£7.37£0.00walesboyAll-in £1.06£8.43£0.00DUnmatched bet £3.81£4.62£3.81walesboyShowKK DShowAJ Turn A River Q DWinPair of Aces£4.27 £8.08
not sure why he did it but had him down as a reraiser to force off.had done it a few hands earlier.
that's a couple of buyins gone tonight
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Thankgod you called the flop.
Also sit with full buy in.