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AA on a double paired board. Should I give up?

jugglegeekjugglegeek Member Posts: 623
edited September 2011 in The Poker Clinic

Hand History #408877573 (18:20 31/08/2011)

MP33 Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £4.67
jugglegeek Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £3.96
  Your hole cards
  • A
  • A
vaugha1971 Call   £0.04 £0.10 £1.81
mrsnacho23 Call   £0.04 £0.14 £3.05
rancid Fold        
victor0928 Call   £0.04 £0.18 £1.03
MP33 Call   £0.02 £0.20 £4.65
jugglegeek Raise   £0.36 £0.56 £3.60
Call   £0.36 £0.92 £1.45
mrsnacho23 Fold        
victor0928 Fold        
MP33 Fold        
  • Q
  • 9
  • Q
jugglegeek Check        
X Check        
  • 9
jugglegeek Bet   £0.69 £1.61 £2.91
Call   £0.69 £2.30 £0.76
  • 8
jugglegeek Bet   £1.15 £3.45 £1.76
All-in   £0.76 £4.21 £0.00
jugglegeek Unmatched bet   £0.39 £3.82 £2.15
jugglegeek Show
  • A
  • A
  • 2
  • 2
jugglegeek Win Two Pairs, Aces and Queens £3.53   £5.68


  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited August 2011
    I would bet out on flop strong like 80p and snap all in.

    As played nh.
  • jugglegeekjugglegeek Member Posts: 623
    edited August 2011
    This is my very first hand. Pre is fine I think but when he called I thought either suited conectors or a small PP set mining or just bad play. My massive raise is either a bluff or AA/KK

    On the flop I figure I want to keep the pot small for now. If he has a 9 he bets, if he has a queen then I'm beat anyway. He checks back so I bet the 9 on the turn but am ready to fold to a raise since this is what she should do with a queen or a nine. When he flats I don't know why but I just felt like he didn't have the full house.

    Is this good thinking or does a player show up with a house most of the time and I was lucky to come up against an idiot? Obviously this guy is an idiot because he doesn't realise that the second 9 counterfits his hand leaving him with 2-high!

    But if I play like this against good cash players at high levels will I go broke more often than not?
  • Batkin88Batkin88 Member Posts: 1,682
    edited August 2011

    love the river call playing the board!!!
    You should really c - bet here rather than giving the player a chance to represent, higher levels you will be getting bet back on with pocket twos or raised throughout on this kind of board.
    You got max value so well done i just can't understand his call in the end

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2011
    Gutted - I had the queen

    just checked the hand to find out who the villian was
  • N1CKN1CK Member Posts: 1,453
    edited September 2011
    vaugha1971 says it pre,

    bet flop you will get calls from worse as you would with AK for value/cbet bluff, then get it in on turn he would snap you with a king and pocket twos lol
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited September 2011
    bet flop for value 
    b/c turn for value
    b/c river / or just shove if pot size and stack sizes are ok

  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: AA on a double paired board. Should I give up?:
    This is my very first hand. Pre is fine I think but when he called I thought either suited conectors or a small PP set mining or just bad play. My massive raise is either a bluff or AA/KK On the flop I figure I want to keep the pot small for now. If he has a 9 he bets, if he has a queen then I'm beat anyway. He checks back so I bet the 9 on the turn but am ready to fold to a raise since this is what she should do with a queen or a nine. When he flats I don't know why but I just felt like he didn't have the full house. Is this good thinking or does a player show up with a house most of the time and I was lucky to come up against an idiot? Obviously this guy is an idiot because he doesn't realise that the second 9 counterfits his hand leaving him with 2-high! But if I play like this against good cash players at high levels will I go broke more often than not?
    Posted by jugglegeek
    you wont go broke, you'll just lose a lot of value - it's not the most logical way of thinking about it, checking the flop and then betting the turn more time than not means you have a hand, betting the flop keeps all your bluffs which gives you more chance of getting paid
  • bolly580bolly580 Member Posts: 603
    edited September 2011

    should be betting flop, if he got a 9 at this level probably getting all his mone

    not quite sure you bet the turn you should only be getting called by a hand that beats you.

    And after the call on river ya gota be check folding the river at a higher level. But this is NL4 after all

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