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*****Thursday night live with Sarah Champion, Tony 'tikay' Kendall and special guest Barry Carter***

Sarah_CSarah_C Member Posts: 263
edited September 2011 in Poker Chat

We're live on 865 from 8pm tonight keeping a keen eye on our featured tournaments: the 12K Bounty Hunter and the 5K Roller...Tonight we're delighted to be joined by poker journalist Barry Carter, any questions for Barry and/or tikay and/or hand requests post away...

Topics up for discussion!   What's your biggest weakness in play and how, if at all, do you fix it? According to Carlo, the man with the tan, this is the most difficult question for a poker player to answer, most um and errr.. and mumble something underneath their breath but cards on the table time....
Beneath those brags and bad beat stories there must be something nagging away at you, let's have your biggest weakness in play and advice you can give from what you've learnt.  Tikay and Barry will be on hand in the studio to give you their tips and advice. (If you'd prefer to remain anonymous on this one feel free to email via and we'll absolutely honour your anonymity!) While we're on advice....   Topic 2!  If you could go back to the 80's what's the one piece of advice you'd give yourself?
I was at Rewind Henley last weekend (great fun!) and that's definitely the question that got the best answers from some of the biggest acts of the 1980s.  So! if you had a time machine and could go back 20 odd years, what's the one piece of advice you'd give yourself??? 

My favourite answer was from 'Hue and Cry' by the way who said

 'Buy property, don't buy porsches'  Oh and for our younger players who weren't born before the glorious decade of shoulder pads feel free to adapt the question to 'If you could go back to your 16 year old self!' Prizes on offer for the best answers!   We look forward to hearing from you... 
Sarah xx 


  • Sky_ClaireSky_Claire Member Posts: 1,058
    edited September 2011
    Unfortunately Barry is not able to make the show tonight, but hopefully we will have him on later in the month
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited September 2011
    can you wish Poppy765 good luck of TPT (TEAM POKER TREV) in the roller they`ve gained free entry by winning overall monthly low score in the monday DTD


     Congratulations to Spornybol who wins this weeks comp for a £22 super BH
    and to Poppy765 for the monthly win and who takes a £110 Sky Roller Seat

  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited September 2011
    What's your biggest weakness in play and how, if at all, do you fix it? 

    Bankroll Management: I havent really fixed it, if i run well i spin up if i dont i go near to broke and have to tread water for a bit. my main problem is i know what i can beat but even if my bankroll goes below what it should be i still play them. works out more then it doesnt

    Topic 2!  If you could go back to the 80's what's the one piece of advice you'd give yourself?

    N/A i was born 87 so doubt would be able to take it in
  • Any2SuitedAny2Suited Member Posts: 1,240
    edited September 2011
    What's your biggest weakness in play and how, if at all, do you fix it? 

    Patience,Patience,Patience ! and knowing when to step up the gears when nearing the bubble.

    If you could go back to the 80's what's the one piece of advice you'd give yourself?

    Invest as must money as you can in these fledgling computer companies which may prove to be marginally successful in the future!!!!

  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited September 2011
    OK,  I seem to have this inability to see a straight in the texture of the board. It has cost me so much in the past, re-raising because I thought I had the nuts.  I know it's a stupid thing but I seem to have a mental block on it sometimes.  
    It tends to be 2 gappers -  board reads 7 8 J and I just comepletely miss it 

    I have to mentally remind myself to check for a straightening board.  It's a tricky one, every now and again it comes back to haunt me 

    If I could give my 1980's self advice it would be.......

    The Bay City Rollers are Rubbish 

    Blue velvet Jacket with a Mullet is not cool 

    Find the guy that told you lager is just lemonade for adults.... and beat the bejesus out of him.

    Learn how to dance.......  Girls will be all over you if you can dance 

    Don't take out a new 25 year mortgage everytime you change home,   keep the length of the mortgage the sames at the time left on the old one 

    Buy shares in this little known  american company called pear, or apricot something like that.

    Find the guy that sold Bill gates the operating system for Windows for $50,000 and give him the greatest piece of advice ever given.....  for a 5% share of his earnings ;o)

    Oh I could go on and on.  ;o)

    Have a great show guys 

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2011
    What's your biggest weakness in play and how, if at all, do you fix it? 

    Patience/Self Discipline: Too often when I'm playing cash, I build myself up a nice stack (say 300BBs) and I get over confident, I deviate from my normal playing style to bully people out of pots (which does not work at 4NL-10NL!), call all-ins that I'd never call at the start of a session etc. The way I try to avoid this sometimes is to get to 300BBs and just stand up and lock the profit in the bankroll.

    Topic 2!  If you could go back to the 80's what's the one piece of advice you'd give yourself?

    I wasn't born until November 86 so if I can't really give myself much advice... Oh I'd say get yourself down the pictures because you won't get a chance to year 2000 onwards with all the junk films that are released these days.
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2011
    Advice for the 80's me would be this. Just because John Peel was the first to play Favourite Shirt by Haircut 100 and I was an avid John Peel listener it doesn't mean you have to go and see the band in concert along with 100's of screaming pubescent girls (I was about 30 at the time) and then think er we might be at the wrong gig. Then on top of that your mates rib you about it for the next 20 years and never let you forget.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited September 2011
    Biggest weakness for me is playing too tight and often believing people ALWAYS have it when they bet or raise and basically being scared off when I should call. This is probably down to the fact I started playing poker on double your money's where you can pretty much get away with playing just AA/KK/QQ for the first few levels then it's just shove/fold till the last players busts.

    On the 80's well I was born in 1990 so probably not applicable lol
  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited September 2011

       Hi Sarah & Tikay have a great show

       What's your biggest weakness in play and how, if at all, do you fix it?

      My weakness is Re-Raising i always seem either not raise enough or raise to big your thoughts please
  • dtm75dtm75 Member Posts: 263
    edited September 2011

    Evening Sarah and Tikay,

    Looking forward to the show tonight. Biggest weakness in the game, that's an easy one for me, I cannot seem to give credit to anyone shoving or 3x'ing or min-raising from small blind when I'm in the big blind after everyone else has folded.  Lost count of the times that my A10, or KQ type hands are totally dominated :|

    Back to the eighties, that's also easy, I'd say Dan, "believe in yourself, stop listening to Erasure otherwise at 36 your music tastes will be a train wreck and most importantly of all, act on life's moment(s) when they come along as it's horrible to live in regret"  

    BTW, put a thread up re: SPT Grand Final tonight.  Anyway of still buying in now the seats are filled?

    Good luck to all chasing the 7k + iPad bonus pot too...


  • rentisduerentisdue Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2011
    My biggest weakness while playing poker is watching tv in the background especially if there is a gorgeous woman on it because that really breaks my concentration and i end up losing loads lol

    So no doubt while watching tonights show im going to lose a fortune !

    Also if i could go back in time and give myself any advice i would go back to the very first time i met my ex wife, "you know the time when you very first fall in love and everything in the world seems right", then i would take myself to one side just as i was about to go out of my front door and head off to the club i met her in and i would say " Dave mate, theres a good movie on tv tonight why not stop in lol ".

    Have a great show.
  • aiken2001aiken2001 Member Posts: 364
    edited September 2011
    Advice for the Eighties.

    As mentioned above shares in apple or a little known companies called microsoft and google.

    Property get in at the start of the eighties and out at the end.

    Invest in .com companies for about three months until people see there is nothing in them.

    Poker weakness

    learn to tell when something is a cbet and not that he has hit the overcards to your pp
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited September 2011

     Have a great show guys ,

    if you get a chance you might give this comp a shout out .
    It started tonight at 8pm ,
    but reg will remain open until end of September .
    Below is a summary of comp details ,
    peeps can find more info on  this ,
    in the  heads up challenge thread in gpc part of forum .

    p.s ty tony for your  help once again.

    92 challengers in so far .

    The aim is to spin up from 55p to £200 by winning 12 consecutive heads up games at the following stakes




    Buy in

    Level 1


    Level 2


    Level 3


    Level 4


    Level 5


    Level 6


    Level 7


    Level 8


    Level 9


    Level 10


    Level 11


    Results Verified

    Level 12



    If a player wins through on level 11 , they must inform me and i will get skypoker to verify the win to this point.

    ( Verifications may take up to 48hrs )


    Level 12 will be versus a randomly drawn TSP member/TV Analyst/Pro E.G. TK, Orford ( lucky you  ), Julian thew etc – The draw for their opponent will be made live on air in the next available TV show and the level 12 play-off will be set up to run within 72 hours (when both parties are available)


  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited September 2011

       My Problem is dealing with the final table when ever I reach one. The chip stacks are over 100,000 + and I tend to call min raise and they all lump in 50,000 re- raise . Oops now what !    I fold.?  only to see King High win.

     The 80's  was wake up call from the 60's   my best years ever. sob sob. 
     Have a great show and who is the one person will never let you down or not turn up ............  "Bugs Bunny"  only jokin it's TK     Hugs Annie x

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited September 2011

    Biggest weakness is not playing enough. In actual game play, it's never believing anyone has a hand, and always wanting to outbluff a bluffer.

    If I could go back to the 80's obviously I'd advise myself to forget school, college, and uni, and start learning/studying and then playing poker ASAP.


    While I'm here, couple of questions for Tiquay.

    1) Who is the greatest cricketer he's ever seen play in the flesh? 

    2) What advice would you give to recreational players who have had a fantastic start to their poker journey?

    3) Even though he has been a professional for 307 years, does he still learn from reading strategy forums, and if so, what is the best thing he has learnt in the last 12 months?

    4) Who has been the greatest sports commontator of his lifetime?

    5) Who would win in an arm wrestle, Dylan, or Hoggers?

  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited September 2011
    My biggest weakness is playing out of position with suited connectors.  Cost me way more chips then I gain when they hit.

    If I could talk to myself back in the 80's I'd say......

    Wait until we play the Aussies at hedingley and we are 500/1 to win and LUMP ON!!! we can't lose :)

    See you all at Nottingham
  • HAPPYNIGE4HAPPYNIGE4 Member Posts: 327
    edited September 2011
    What's your biggest weakness in play and how, if at all, do you fix it?
    Well hate to say this but I really cant explain this part of my game, but I get Ace blind so many times. I see AQ, AJ, and A 10, and really feel I have a really good hand, (mostly in good position) so when I make my raise, part says call, part says fold, but if then someone re raises with a massive push, for some reason I seem to never lay them down. So am I reading wrong, or just Ace blind, (if thats the right terminolgy)?
    If you could go back to the 80's what's the one piece of advice you'd give yourself?

    Well in the early 80s I was working in Spain in the Timeshare industry, making a small fortune as a sales man.
    I spent as I earned, and didnt save a penny, while 1 of my best friends saved....He now owns about 50 properties in Manchester, as is made for life.......Me stll out on the road selling for a living... So I would SAVE SAVE SAVE :)
  • drumahai05drumahai05 Member Posts: 777
    edited September 2011

    wow tk i thought i was watching time team for a second
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited September 2011
    Did Tikay borrow that jumper off Hurst05 ?

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2011
    My main weakness has been covered in another question so I,ll keep that to myself

    If i could go back to the 80,s I wouldn,t have ripped open all those star wars figures I used to get on my birthday and Christmas and play with them until there legs or arms dropped off.

    I,d neatly preserve them in their boxes

    Another thing if I ws bck in the 80,s  - I,d make as much money I could by betting on all the forthcoming results I could remember and spend all the profit on gold

    Have a gr8  show
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