u did nothing wrong you got outdrawn thats poker, last night deep in ME BH i get JJ v A6 in pre for 28k pot which would put me near the top i shove they river Ace, did i play bad no i got outdrawn i got in 70/30 fave you got in probaly more i cant think of top of my head.
u did nothing wrong you got outdrawn thats poker, last night deep in ME BH i get JJ v A6 in pre for 28k pot which would put me near the top i shove they river Ace, did i play bad no i got outdrawn i got in 70/30 fave you got in probaly more i cant think of top of my head. UL next hand Posted by YOUNG_GUN
There was another hand that i played in a tourney and it was the first hand of the match
had AQ flop came Q 8 6
i had reraised preflop to get rid of any small hands the guy goes all in after the flop and beats me with 8 6o
sorry i cant find the hand but just wondering what you would do in this situation :S or did he just play badly and luck out?
It all depends, if you raised it enough pre its pretty unlucky and theres no gettin away from it if they hit 2 pair and choose to play these hands they arent going to be profitable just make a note and raise even more next time for value.
well im prety sure i raised it big enough blind were still at 10/20 chips, and i raised 100 with 1 limper, but yeah, i figured thats what you would say glad that there are people here to help, ive only been playing poker for a few months, finally at a stage where im confident, maybe a lil too confident at times but im not one to look at my good points and forget things im doing wrong so if ever im doing something wrong please dont hesitate to tell me
2nd hand is also a tad unlucky. I might even be able to get away if i am on top of my game. Its a horrible spot to be in. I dont like doing my whole stack on just top pair top kicker in an MTT but if its well within my bankroll then i call then open another tourney and try again, its still the first level.
Dont apologise for being confident. If youve no confidence in how your playing then it is time to stop for a while. Wait until you get four or five of these in a row, you'll be in 'brags beats and variance' all the time with the rest of us or even worse 'area51' with the with the conspiracy theorists.
Hi munch. 1st hand is very unlucky. Well played. 2nd hand is also a tad unlucky. I might even be able to get away if i am on top of my game. Its a horrible spot to be in. I dont like doing my whole stack on just top pair top kicker in an MTT but if its well within my bankroll then i call then open another tourney and try again, its still the first level. Dont apologise for being confident. If youve no confidence in how your playing then it is time to stop for a while. Wait until you get four or five of these in a row, you'll be in 'brags beats and variance' all the time with the rest of us or even worse 'area51' with the with the conspiracy theorists. Posted by DrSharp
LMAO i was in one of those on the last poker site i played on, it looked fancy in 3d, but OMG if you ever want to see a bad beat go to there lmao, but yeah im happy with the way my games gone, i have probably gone from 2 bad beats and a 1 miss read in today and yet still only £1 down because im not letting it get me on tilt, something that used to happen alot when i worried about money and my bank roll lol, right now im not worried, ive taken £5 which came from nowhere really, and turned it into £19 and im confident if i carry on playing at the top of my game i can increase that by about £10-£15 a day well thats what im hoping anyways haha wont always happen like today
You single tabling or multi tabling mate? To make 10-15 quid a day will be very hard just on one table. I play between 2-4 tables per session and only 3 or 4 times a week and i am happy to make a buy in per session if i can. I seem to be getting these kind of cooler/bad beats every session for the last month or two.
£15 a day 1 tabling nl4 is ridic target, i wouldnt set yourself a target other then how long your playing for, because if you start losing then you will start trying to chase it
On the other hand losing £22 on one table at nl10 is simples , honest i know
Obv the main hand was my raise with AA to 40p hoping for 1/2 callers at a tightish table they all fold upto the sb who 3bets me upto £1.55 obv i 4bet shove which they call and turn over QQ , obv the rest is history )
We can all run like god some days but obv others ure gonna suffer negative variance , dont mean ure playin bad ure just bein ul xxx
I definitely agree with Young Gun that you shouldn't set a cash target or you will end up chasing it. You'll end up calling all-ins that you shouldn't because you think to yourself, "well if I just win this one, I'll meet my target and can stop" but inevitably you don't win that one...
But depending on how long you're playing for, I don't think it's outrageous that you could win around 2BIs per session (on average) even 1 tabling. Obviously some sessions will be break even, some will be down, some will only be 1BI up but sometimes you can be 5BIs up in a 2-3 hours no probs.
Actually, my Excel spreadsheet says I'm winning 21BBs per hour, per table, but that is taken from only the past 5,500 hands so it's not really a massive sample...
ok well i must clarify one thing, i havent said i expect to win £10 every day, i said its possible for me to, one thing that i will say is i work only 3 days a week, and i dont go out too often, i spend most of my time on fifa, sometimes im watching tv, the rest of the time im probably on here lol, so i could easily rack up 5 hours of poker through out the day, having breaks in between etc etc, and im prety sure its not too hard to make £2 an hour xD
thats where my calculations came from, however i dont expect every day i will be playing the same ammount, and i of course understand that some days i might lose a BI or 2,
ok well i must clarify one thing, i havent said i expect to win £10 every day, i said its possible for me to, one thing that i will say is i work only 3 days a week, and i dont go out too often, i spend most of my time on fifa, sometimes im watching tv, the rest of the time im probably on here lol, so i could easily rack up 5 hours of poker through out the day, having breaks in between etc etc, and im prety sure its not too hard to make £2 an hour xD thats where my calculations came from, however i dont expect every day i will be playing the same ammount, and i of course understand that some days i might lose a BI or 2, Posted by sillymunch
I think if ya play 2p/4p well enough its not imposs to win 2-3 buy ins per the time ya put in here so gl xx
UL next hand
£15 a day 1 tabling nl4 is ridic target, i wouldnt set yourself a target other then how long your playing for, because if you start losing then you will start trying to chase it
Obv the main hand was my raise with AA to 40p hoping for 1/2 callers at a tightish table they all fold upto the sb who 3bets me upto £1.55 obv i 4bet shove which they call and turn over QQ , obv the rest is history
We can all run like god some days but obv others ure gonna suffer negative variance , dont mean ure playin bad ure just bein ul xxx
But depending on how long you're playing for, I don't think it's outrageous that you could win around 2BIs per session (on average) even 1 tabling. Obviously some sessions will be break even, some will be down, some will only be 1BI up but sometimes you can be 5BIs up in a 2-3 hours no probs.
Actually, my Excel spreadsheet says I'm winning 21BBs per hour, per table, but that is taken from only the past 5,500 hands so it's not really a massive sample...