It was a crazy move and you got lucky. Having said that, everybody is free to play exactly how they want, so as long as you're having fun then who cares. Posted by AcidMan27
LOL. I am crazy I have had many therapsts to prove it!
But I thought may be even if he had hit the flush on the flop or turn I thought I may have got them off the hand if their top heart was average as I was the raiser I was obviously repping big cards. Which is the way I intended winning.
I played this hand in my usual passive manner! LOL! When the 4th heart came down I decided to rep the King of hearts knowing I still had the outside chance of the board doubling up or hitting the last 4 if I got called does this make me a Donk which I was called (which I replied TY of coarse) or just a little to aggressive even! Ps Im not a winning player so I wouldnt advice people to play like me, but it is just the way I enjoy playing the game.
yea u have to much invested to folded turn Posted by The_Don90
Thats it. Also if Im going to play aggressive I feel I have to keep trying to sell the story or my aggressive play would be half hearted and would leave me open to be bluffed off hands that I can win by betting or even in this case by being a Jammy Donut.
Thank You could you elaborate! I bet my hand when I thought I was in front and went all in when I was commited with the hope that I could have taken the pot down. Plus if I had not Jammed I could have left myself open to being bluffed off by 2 pair.
love it, you have got 10 outs to hit on the river if you get called, and could potentially push off an oppo with a low flush. But me i would shove the flop betting 600 leaves you committed anyway so..
love it, you have got 10 outs to hit on the river if you get called, and could potentially push off an oppo with a low flush. But me i would shove the flop betting 600 leaves you committed anyway so.. Posted by WHOAMI196
love it, you have got 10 outs to hit on the river if you get called, and could potentially push off an oppo with a low flush. But me i would shove the flop betting 600 leaves you committed anyway so.. Posted by WHOAMI196
its one of those hands where you just gotta get your money in, if he calls and has the flush then you say well played to him, you had 10 outs to improve your hand after the turn which gives you 20% chance of winning so 1 in 5 your going to win, if he has the flush but alot of times they probably dont have the flush lol so you will win with that hand so many times its worth the call NO DONK
So what would you have done if he shoved on the flop ? With the stack your 600 bet just about committed you. But it had to be that size to fold out a flush draw. Well played.... NO DONK Posted by penguin7
Once I made that 600 bet it was all going in if he had pushed I would probably have thought he was on a flush Draw and would have taken the risk I can be that paraniod I could have even put him on 2 pair and he had taken my bet as a continuation bet! I also realise that they could be protecting a small flush or just been betting with the nuts to make it look like a draw but as I say by then I was commited. Some people think I should be commited the way I play!
Having called a 600 bet on the flop, I don't think anyone with a flush is going to fold the turn for 800. If he called the flop with one heart, he's obviously got the card he wanted on the turn and will snap-call. If he had the two hearts on the flop, they're likely to be pretty reasonable, since he would have protected a small flush from a scare card on the turn by shoving the flop. Can you reasonably believe that this player is sophisticated enough to give you credit for the Kh and fold a Jh, 10h or 9h?
For this reason, I think you're only folding out hands like two pair or a better set on the turn. You might have got someone off an usunusually played set of 5's or set of Queens, but it's likely that the only hands that fold are hands that you're already beating. Even the oversets might call you, given that you're giving them odds of 3/1 to pair the board and they've already committed alot of their stack to the hand.
I would just shove the flop with the set of 4's. You can add 600 to your 1400 stack and hopefully avoid seeing a scare card on the turn. If you get called by the flush, you've still got 10 outs twice.
not worst play in world donut obviously most the time you will lose that hand
And as said after he calls ur not really foldin to turn as too much invested
With the stack your 600 bet just about committed you.
But it had to be that size to fold out a flush draw.
Well played....NO DONK
For this reason, I think you're only folding out hands like two pair or a better set on the turn. You might have got someone off an usunusually played set of 5's or set of Queens, but it's likely that the only hands that fold are hands that you're already beating. Even the oversets might call you, given that you're giving them odds of 3/1 to pair the board and they've already committed alot of their stack to the hand.
I would just shove the flop with the set of 4's. You can add 600 to your 1400 stack and hopefully avoid seeing a scare card on the turn. If you get called by the flush, you've still got 10 outs twice.
Well, technically you've got 8 outs on the turn, then 10 outs on the river if you miss the turn. But that's being pedantic.