Hello all (especially the people who have some say at Sky)
I see that Dohh's guide to low stakes cash has been added to the poker school on Sky which I think is a massive help. I heard mention of Irish Rover writing a guide/strategy to beating STTs (I think it was STTs) but I can't seem to find this anywhere.
Basically in the poker school, in terms of strategies/help for specific formats, theyve got low stakes cash and omaha/omaha hi/lo covered but it just seems like that's leaving a pretty big gap for 2 very popular versions of the game (STTs and MTTs).
I think it would be great if someone could find Irish Rover's guide and stick it in the poker school and get one of the regular MTTers who really know what they're doing (and has the time/inclination) to write a basic guide. Obviously you could be writing forever on how to play an MTT but I imagine this would just be for new-comers to the site to give them the basics like taking it easy in the first few levels as there's alot to lose and little to gain... 10BBs is a shove/fold stack (amazing how many people still limp with this size stack) and so on.
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next your want people to play it for you, doing a basic MTT guide will not exactly benefit the person who does it so whats the point?
if you need help post in clinic or talk to poker buddies
And i would look no further
It just serves as something beginners can look at rather than tens of people posting things in the clinic and the more experienced players having to type virtually the same response multiple times a week because people don't know these basics.
The same as a sticky on how to post hands... sure you can not do it and let every single new person ask why their hands show up wierd and give the same response a million times... OR you can put a sticky up and say, this is how's it done so stop asking!
Obviously the clinic would still be used for situations that aren't 100% standard.
Would be great if someone did one obv, but i personally wouldn't and sure 99% of MTT players wont
Stil no harm in asking mate
I wouldn't expect him to give 'all his secrets', it is only supposed to be basic, not to go through every possible situation and not even to cover advanced techniques or reads etc, just basics as I said like knowing you cannot limp with a 10BB stack. And really Young Gun how is it different from a poker book on MTT strategy? Everyone has access to these providing they'll pay a few quid.
I just think anyone logically who is better then average at Mtt's would not do it as it will no doubt make it tougher, but thats my thoughts. if someone is happy to do it faiplay to them
Hi Lambert,
You make a very good point, & we should give some thought as to who might best do it for us.
The Top Three in the MTT Poker League as of right now are Ebberdon, Elsadog, & Penguin7.
The Top Three in the STT Poker League right now are JingleMa, mackers18, & JohnConnor.
So presumably, one of those three players from each of those two disciplines would be suitably equipped to do it? Yes, no, agree, disagree?
If they were to volunteer so to do, the rest is easy.
If nobody (appropriate) volunteers, I'll do it, but the game is evolving fast, & though I believe I am as good as anyone in advising about BASIC disciplines - the value of position, patience, aggression, & the other A-B-C fundamentals, I'm well short of the current day thinking that the 5-bet boys do these days.
I'm afraid I don't accept YoungGun's point, it is not relevant at all - almost ALL top players freely dispense advice. If you think about it logically, it is never going to damage their results. Go to any decent Poker Forum, visit the PHA Board, & you will see advice galore from successful players, & books, videos, coaching sessions, etc.,. all by "name" or successful players.
Dohx7 must have dispensed more cash game poker advice on Sky Poker Community than any other player - but has it impacted his results, & would he do so if it did? I think not......
Get dohhhhh to do one im sure he will, can help him with some poker karma
Also, IRISHROVER's great guide was presented as a blog, I think, although I cannot find it right now.
Well theres a thing!
You learn something everyday
If none of those I named, or anyone else with the appropriate CV volunteers, I will do it. You have been warned.....