I'm pretty new to the forum and just starting to get involved in a few of the community things (including the SPT final at the weekend wooooohoooooo)
There are a number of teams - TPT, Hit squad etc, T51 etc.... what is the point of them? Is it just a community thing or are there specific competitions etc where there is a real benefit to being in a team?
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So there are no financial benefits, but it does bring the community together and I reckon will help improve your game. The only financial benefits are for individuals competing in the DTD on Mondays for weekly and monthly winners.
Check out the team threads in the team talk section of the forum to get a flavour of what its all about. You'll be more than welcome to join in.
Good luck at the tables.
Championees, championees....
The Teams are basically something the folks here have created for a bit of banter, either online or live. The team captains are always on the look out for new members so they can shout a bit louder/win more online monies then brag louder/rail louder at SPTs, etc. It's heaps of fun and just one example of why the Community here is so friendly and good-natured.
I'd suggest heading to 'Team Talk', which is a part of the forum dedicated to Team chat. Put your face about on there and it'll be no time before you're in the fun yourself
Good luck at the tables!