I was watching back some old episodes of High Stakes Poker lately (I know, but I had to fill the time waiting for the next UK Cash Game with something, right?) and there was a really interesting conversation that came up between Doyle Brunson and Dario Minieri.
"Who taught you to do that?" - YouTube link
Apparently Dario, who was something of a live cash game novice at the time, looked at his hole cards in a really unusual fashion. I always used to wonder why Doyle looked at his the way he does - just peeling them up.
How do you look at your hole cards? Squeezer? Side by side? One at a time?
Sorry, somebody had to.
I tend to squeeze mine I think.
I usually wait to look at mine when it's my turn to act too.
Personally I prefer to look at mine earlier, thinking the other players will be watching the guys in early position making their minds up. I then always put the cards in exactly the same place until its my turn whether they are junk or monsters.
The hard part is to always show the same level of interest in the other players actions even when you know you are folding.
No opponent is going to let you know you if he has picked up a tell. Personally I pick up very few physical tells preflop. And postflop I get more info from what they say than what they do.
Anyone got any good "tell" tales ?
In reality, left hand cupped to the left of the two, right thumb and forefinger on the near left corner as I look at them. Double flick up with thumb (takes less than a second). Chip on cards, play poker.
If I'm UTG I look at them during the second card deal for the other players and normally make my action the instant the last card is dealt. Other positions I either look at them on my action or a seat or two before if one of those players is dwelling (normally dwell open folding, sigh...).
I did used to have a tell where I would triple flick if they were both red or black to double check suits but have more or less taken that out of my game.
I also make a habit of looking at my cards only when it's my time to act. When i'm in the blinds i just put a chip/ card protector on them.
That was a sentence I never thought I'd write on the Sky Poker forums
Hardest thing is remembering what they where, cos I am a bit of a biff.
I lean back in my chair whilst ducking my head forward and taking a peek.
Not sure exactly what time this ritual takes place, but, somewhere between the last cards getting dealt and the dealer tapping the table to tell me its my go.