As you may be aware SkyPoker are trialing a new Turbo HU SnG straight from the deep dark recesses of Dohhhhhhh's mind. My first thought was why wasn't it sponsored by a well known Cider Brewery. My second was this:
To get this off and running let's have some fun. I would like to issue a mostly open* challenge to the good people of the SkyPoker Community for a Best of 101 Sit & Doh Multi-table Competition. The rules are simple, we go heads up on 3-4 tables, first one to 51 wins. We do this in one night or over two (no more, apparently some challenges end up going on for years, even before the Feds get involved, that's just too silly). 101 might seem like a big number, but I'm sure it can be whittled off quite quickly.
Every comp needs a winner, or in this case a loser. When a challenger is decided I'll be opening up to ideas from the community for the losers forfeit (stay classy and light spirited, but feel free to make it as brutal as you can, bad costumes/T-Shirts with a special message at SPTs are always a good one, special messages or pictures as a SkyPoker Avatar for 6 months is another idea). When forfeits are agreed the game will commence. To the victor the spoils, to the fallen, the humbling.
Ok, please post your interest in this thread if you want to play as well as any comments on the whole thing. It won't necessarily be first come, first served. I won't choose though, if there are a number of willing people I will, as ever, ask the community to decide.
*Mostly open you say? I have two conditions. Firstly, JJ is getting first refusal. It's his structure, his SnG and he may well be up for the craic. Secondly, any candidate must have at least 750 quid in their poker bankroll (not necessarily in their SkyPoker roll, but over all they need at least this allocated for poker only). I would rather they had at least a grand as these can be high variance and I don't want anyone getting hurt in this in case they run super bad. I will not be asking for proof, your word is good enough for me.
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Id play best of 11 with you though
if this goes ahead (and depending on when its played) i'd be available for selection
I'll treat it as a £60 HU lesson, nothing to lose!