didnt want to flat down the streets as too ob if i hit. should river had been a bigger bet. in the long run is this a profitable way of playing this type of draw?jamboGJSmall blind £0.05£0.05£18.51Monk82Big blind £0.10£0.15£23.14 Your hole cardsA10 dgw69Fold N1CKFold pod1Raise £0.30£0.45£21.50root10Fold jamboGJFold Monk82Call £0.20£0.65£22.94Flop 4Q9 Monk82Bet £0.33£0.98£22.61pod1Raise £0.99£1.97£20.51Monk82Call £0.66£2.63£21.95Turn 7 Monk82Bet £0.30£2.93£21.65pod1Raise £0.90£3.83£19.61Monk82Call £0.60£4.43£21.05River 5 Monk82Bet £0.30£4.73£20.75pod1Raise £2.82£7.55£16.79Monk82Call £2.52£10.07£18.23pod1ShowA10 Monk82MuckQK pod1WinFlush to the Ace£9.31 £26.10PrevClose window
as long as you realise that you will lose 2 out of 3 times then its fine to play it like this, if i was the other player i may have reraised your raise, because when your on a draw you dont want to inflate it too much, but if you have a made hand then you need to make the person pay to see the cards, but all in all well disguised
i seem to be caught somewhere between 2 lines of thinking here. 1) building the pot larger going through the streets and 2) shutting down on the turn! i suppose if i got jackally and gratorino slightly to my left and yb and jj slightly to my right, then the thinking cant be that bad. tnx for feedback.
I'd bet 1.50
as played bet on river about right but if you bet more on turn you can get more value