Knew when I picked him he was either going to be out 1st or go really deep. Saw him down to 6k very early and feared the worst. But even then I thought he had every chance of being chip leader within the hour. And even now I know there's every chance he'll be next out, lol. God bless James.
19 - Matt Brough FOXRIVER £400
20 - Barry Carter ButtonDonk £400
21 - Chay Murphy TheMoose69 £400
22 - Alex Goulder Beardy John £400
23 - Leon Blaber leonngemma £400
24 - Roy Wild W4rlock £400
25 - Kate Langshaw Kaibobble £400
26 - Lewis Brown NoBigBets £400
27 - John Yeardley JRY £400
28 - Valerie Ring Hunston03 £300
29 - John Shilleto Johns01 £300
30 - Carlo Citrone Carlo Citrone £300
31 - Michael Crosland UNBPower £300
32 - Naomi Hopkins Sharksbite £300
33 - Scott Wyatt-Sugg Idiot302 £300
34 - Adrian Lambe DTDonkey £300
35 - Ralph Shalson MrFloppy1 £300
36 - Carl Taylor T1mber £300
Are aussie09 and Delta still in? Can't get stream at the mo.
2nd - 13,015
3rd - 7809
4th - 5480
5th - 4110
6th -3082
7th - 2397
8th - 1712
9th - 1370
10th - 13th - 959
14th - 18th - 685
19th - 27th - 400
Very well done to trev and unb. No TPTers left now so GL Yorkie
David Reed – 231k
Daniel Green - geezer1986– 366k
Richard Beauchamp –pokerwillsdad - 136k
Antony East – bungle62 -357k
Saifon Lambe – 279k
Nathan Hope – 371k
Jamie Burland – 595k
Alan Jenkinson – 172k
Weswell Ellis – 273k
Paul Pitchford – pitchie – 325k
Mohammed Shoahebe – 461k
Kristian Downer – mrkris – 245k
James Williams – ljamesl – 726k
Geoff Melton – maverick – 93k
Sian Dyson – yorkie74 – 139k
Astel Cowan – 581k
John Anderson – flushando – 300k
Flushando is OUT. Pitchy turns a flush to outdraw the flopped set of Flushando.
16th IRiverU
15th Wes Ellis
Pitchie knocked out FlushAndo flush against set
chip leaders Geezer1986 900k,LJamesl 700k, Pitchie 700k
14 left, all now guaranteed £959
Go James, go James!
Knew when I picked him he was either going to be out 1st or go really deep. Saw him down to 6k very early and feared the worst. But even then I thought he had every chance of being chip leader within the hour. And even now I know there's every chance he'll be next out, lol. God bless James.
average 400k
and with that Aquanaut1 out 14th
13 left, 9 handed final