Hey all.
As you know Mike has had a rough weekend at DTD. Its really tough when you've been looking forward to something for so long, and when it comes, it's a big disappointment.
I once went on holiday and left my missus behind when I was 18. It was brilliant.
Until I came back and she f'd me off! lol
Even though sky have refunded Mike's buy in for the weekend, he's still missed out on a great weekend away that he was really looking forward to. Money can't really make up for a missed experience.
I know TK has started a thread, and it is agreat gesture, and typical of the man himself.
Although words of support from friends are great when you're on your a rse, it's pretty standard, and normal, along with the cards, grapes, and flowers etc etc.
I thought we as a community could give the great man something to really look forward to, a real "pick me up" at a time when he least expects it.
I've been in touch with his great m8 and forum legend Scouse Red, to try and think of ideas to perk Mike up abit.
I know Mike is well into his motor sport, and Scouse suggested buying tickets to next years British Moto GP.
I've purchased 2 weekend tickets for Chris and Mike to attend next years Moto GP for the weekend, on behalf of sky poker and the forumers.
Total cost of the tickets is £252, and the email confirmation will be forwarded to Scouse tonight, for him to print off and give to Michael tomorrow, along with the messages left for him on the forum.
This thread has been opened up for anyone who wants to make a contribution towards the tickets, (no pressure of course), as much, or as little as u can afford.
The money can be shipped over to me on PS, (copps18xxx) or if you want to bank transfer, you can PM me for details.
This is a gift to Michael from sky poker, and the sky poker community.
I said to Scouse in my pm, that although I've never met any of you in person, If it wasn't for sky poker I'd be earning 50 quid a week on the dole, so to me you are all collegues, and alot of you are friends.
Mike is a friend, and he's in need of a pick me up, so lets try and give him the lift he needs.
Get well soon bud.
This is a tremendous gesture JJ and well done for thinking this up and sorting it so quickly! I'm sure that Michael and Chris will appreciate this emmensly. I will be contributing as discussed privately.
P.S, you may not have met all of us JJ. But I hope that one day you can come to an SPT because i'm sure we would all like to meet you! I have not given up hope!
Nice Touch M8y
PM Me with your details and I will make a contribution towards this nice gesture.
well done for organising it so quickly.
Incredible idea!
As ever, Dohhhhhh hits exactly the right spot.
PM me (here or elsewhere.....) your Bank Details, please, & I'll ship some cash across in the morning.
If you can pm me your details, I'll gladly make a bank transfer.
Will talk on MSN and arrange it later JJ
He wont go, so i am safe i think lol
Although, i think my dance might clear the room!!!
Hl to all & Hope you feel the Support helps DTW!!
Yep DOHHHHHHH please PM me someway I can get something to you, preferably bank transfer.
PS. Good initiative.