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Win small, Lose Big

sillymunchsillymunch Member Posts: 299
edited September 2011 in Poker Chat
This seems to be my main issue, when i have the nuts i will put in a raise, and even if its half pot raise ill rarely get called, when i do get called they never last to the end, or if they do its very rare, however when i do get a caller we almost always end up getting it all in the middle and my set/two pair/straight manages to lose to a flush or something along the lines, it takes me 2-3 days to get a BI simply because people wont call the raises, so how can i avoid losing all that work in 1 day?


  • BLACK_MASSBLACK_MASS Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Win small, Lose Big:
    This seems to be my main issue, when i have the nuts i will put in a raise, and even if its half pot raise ill rarely get called, when i do get called they never last to the end, or if they do its very rare, however when i do get a caller we almost always end up getting it all in the middle and my set/two pair/straight manages to lose to a flush or something along the lines, it takes me 2-3 days to get a BI simply because people wont call the raises, so how can i avoid losing all that work in 1 day?
    Posted by sillymunch
    This post will probably be of more benefit to you in the poker clinic.
    What can i infer ( i maybe wrong but do my best to understand ) from what you say ?
    Your big hands aren't getting paid off when your opponents fold to your bets. Are they simply playing well ? Is your bet-sizing the same every time you have a big hand ? Are they entering pots with poor holdings or simply not connecting i.e maybe just part of poker variance, they need good hand/draw ( missed )  to your better hand ?
    Do you expect to make a profit EVERY session ? Is this realistic or even possible ? Sometimes a good session is when things really go against you/ extended card-deadness/both :( and you minimise your losses or break even.
    Are you putting pressure on yourself because you read lots of posts about how every player at nl4 is a fish and only a fool wouldn't feel like they don't have a licence to mint coinage ? Are you simply in a hurry to get your br to x amount so you can move up stakes ? I ask you about this because you appear frustrated ? That is tilt, is it affecting your play ?
    Finally the bit i highlighted. Are you getting frustrated about your big hand raises not getting paid off to the point that you are reducing bet-sizing and allowing your opponents the price to outdraw you ?
    Your post to me appeared a bit general. I have tried to get you to focus on various topics so you analyse your situation to a point where you can be more specific. Then you can post the appropriate hands to these situations in the clinic.
    Once again i hope i have helped you by encouraging you to think clearly about your situation. From what i read of your posts you seem well-placed to understand things better. What you're doing that is really good is to try to get things straightened out BEFORE  you go up stakes and compound your problems with factorial losses.
    Read Dohhhhhs guide  following every session too. Doesn't have to be all of it, maybe just a certain area where you want clarification or assurance It is very good. It's all there imo. Keep posting, keep asking questions. NEVER be afraid to ask any question. The only truly stupid people in this life are the ones that won't ask questions when they don't know the answers.
    Ramble over lol.
  • sillymunchsillymunch Member Posts: 299
    edited September 2011
    Ok to answer a few of the things
    Nope im only entering pots with strong holdings, or when im forced into the pot via the BB and they give me free cards
    Nope i dont expect to win money every session, if you look at my monthly sessions you will see it going up and down up and down up and down
    I always bet the same ammount as DOHHHHs guide says 3/4 of the pot, or minimum 1/2 the pot
    Im not exactly putting pressure on myself because of reading about the ammount of fish at this level, its more of a im trying to figure out if this is normal at this level, or am i doing it wrong

    After 3 days ive made profit on each other the days, lets say i made £3 profit on those 3 days, then on day 4 i lose a BI from a flush draw or something, suddenly im in the minus'

    I suspect that the reason i dont get called is people know i only bet when i have big hands, and as much as there is a lot of fish around, i dont feel there is enough calling stations, or if there is i havent seen that many

    and nope im not frustrated :) im actually asking cus im curious by nature, and trying to figure out the norm xD
  • BLACK_MASSBLACK_MASS Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: Win small, Lose Big:
    Ok to answer a few of the things Nope im only entering pots with strong holdings, or when im forced into the pot via the BB and they give me free cards Nope i dont expect to win money every session, if you look at my monthly sessions you will see it going up and down up and down up and down I always bet the same ammount as DOHHHHs guide says 3/4 of the pot, or minimum 1/2 the pot Im not exactly putting pressure on myself because of reading about the ammount of fish at this level, its more of a im trying to figure out if this is normal at this level, or am i doing it wrong After 3 days ive made profit on each other the days, lets say i made £3 profit on those 3 days, then on day 4 i lose a BI from a flush draw or something, suddenly im in the minus' I suspect that the reason i dont get called is people know i only bet when i have big hands, and as much as there is a lot of fish around, i dont feel there is enough calling stations, or if there is i havent seen that many and nope im not frustrated :) im actually asking cus im curious by nature, and trying to figure out the norm xD
    Posted by sillymunch
    See highlighted. This is a really good dynamic imo. Once you establish this in your opponents minds you can try to isolate single opponents in position with more speculative holdings. When you hit you'll get paid off and it will force your opponents to reconsider the range of your starting hands. Allowing different hands to go to showdown cheaply can also have this effect. You can also bluff more. Now your opponents are playing a guessing game with you to stop you running all over them. This may now start allowing your big hands to get paid off more as they loosen up forcing them into a situation where they are more liable to make costly mistakes. The looser the table gets the more you tighten up.
    Maybe you do this stuff already. I am a fish myself tbf so if you are not doing it and just focusing on ABC then please run the idea with good players in the forum first !!!!!!  Ask Dohhhh, yb , talon people like that. The cats you've seen playing hi-stakes on tv whose opinions are totally reliable.
    Maybe this is helpful ?

  • sillymunchsillymunch Member Posts: 299
    edited September 2011
    LOL well lets hope they can spread some light on to it, i have been playing pure ABC poker now because its the part of my game that i needed to work on, and at NL4 its the most effective way, its not natural to me :( and if i bluff like you suggested then i know what people will say xD "ITS NL4 DONT EVER BLUFF AT NL4" lol xD
    i dunno, it could just be normal that you win lots of smaller pots, i may just be used to tournament play / SNGs where you are trying to get the chips quicker, but thanks for your oppinion :) i may just go back to DOHHHHs guide again see if there is something i have missed xD
  • harding10harding10 Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2011
    I've just switched to nl4 having played sit & go's and mtt's for a while and been above break even at those without tearing through the levels.

    I'm finding the same at nl4, I'm ahead but not by very much but the higher volume is showing where my leaks are.

    I've never played you, but I'm willing to bet that it's not the not winning huge pots with your big hands that's holding you back. Look closely at you range of hands, what you do when you miss the flop and what you do out of position. There are almost certainly leaks there somewhere.

    Read DOHHHHHHH's guide, and again, and again. Post hands in the forum, listen to the advice, and try to be honest and critical with yourself when you look back on hands.
  • BLACK_MASSBLACK_MASS Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: Win small, Lose Big:
    LOL well lets hope they can spread some light on to it, i have been playing pure ABC poker now because its the part of my game that i needed to work on, and at NL4 its the most effective way, its not natural to me :( and if i bluff like you suggested then i know what people will say xD "ITS NL4 DONT EVER BLUFF AT NL4" lol xD i dunno, it could just be normal that you win lots of smaller pots, i may just be used to tournament play / SNGs where you are trying to get the chips quicker, but thanks for your oppinion :) i may just go back to DOHHHHs guide again see if there is something i have missed xD
    Posted by sillymunch
    Yes this is generally true. But i think it's bad to NEVER do something. Occasionally where common sense dictates it's fine. In some situations it's fine to limp altho most people have been conditioned to  NEVER do it. If you follow a strict set of rules then you will become predictable and you NEVER want to do that either right ?
    For now tho maybe think about what Harding said. It seemed to me to make a lot of sense. Once you get the Dohhhh method rolling like a machine profitably on multi tables then maybe start to consider other options.
    As i said i am a fish myself but was trying to encourage you to think about things and not be confusing.
    Apologies if this is the case man.
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited September 2011
    Hi mate
    I wouldn't worry about the winning of small pots with premium hands. In time you will get the hands where you cooler them or they are playing loose. Keep playing the right way and it'll come . Patience is the key as you no doubt know when playing ABC but it is especially true at nl4 as I know (to my cost at times).
    With regard to the losing hands - is your range opening up too wide because you aren't getting the pay offs with the bigger hands? Are you, as a result, limping in too often or playing the weaker hands too strongly?
    I have found that I my discipline can weaken if you are trying to push it. This will probably lose you more money in the long run than losing big pots as you are redcing your roll little by little.

    I know dohhh and others say nl4 is a licence to print money, and to some extent it is, but you have to be patient and put the volume in.
    I played 2 sessions yesterday and after going almost a BI down I ended up on the day just over £1. Yes not much return for the time put in, but I now have notes on people I hadn't played before and I have the experience of changing the loss to profit.

    As an aside, I agree with Black Mass in that varying your play slightly after a while can be beneficial depending on the table although this is more true if they have seen you win a decent size pot with the goods.

    Good luck
  • sillymunchsillymunch Member Posts: 299
    edited September 2011
    thank you to everyone :) yep makes perfect sense what everyone is saying, Im gonna take a stab in the dark here and say, its not the range that is the problem, however the way i play that range, people even the fish of poker know exactly when i have got a hand and when i have missed, they know that when i have missed i will not try to bluff a pot, and i will fold if i feel i cant improve on my hand, i have become predictable as a result, when someone has hit they know how to extract value from me if i have hit also, i suspect that i will have to adjust my play somewhat, but keeping at the rules applied from DOHHHs guide, i think i just need to fine tune my game, on the plus i am up for the month so i should be happy :)
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2011
    Hey Munchbox,

    You need to consider what time of day you are playing. NL4 is much tougher to beat early morning (once the kids have gone to school) and at tea-time. NL4 tends to get loads of lovely fishes around lunch time as people like a quick gambol on their lunch break, which mean the calls tend to me wider due to time limitations...

    The best time to play NL4 for BR building is Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights when all the drunk micro fishes come out to play and you find yourself getting called down with 2nd and 3rd pair...

    Finally, try to avoid playing with bankroll-muncher forum regs while you build your roll as these players tend to have some idea about what they are doing, which is why you will usually find them sat on a few tables with 3 or 4 BI's. If in doubt, use the search player function to avoid multitablers at NL4.

    Also, Irish Rover did a lovely blog about beating NL4 a while ago so I'd read that along side Dohhhhhhh's guide.

    GL xx
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