Dudeskin you can't just bold out parts of sentences so they make sense the way you want them too, the point of the thread is asking on oppo play. However again i will say again 3 betting against a ridiculously aggro player with AK isn't giving you any reads and isn't setting up a queen high flop bet for him to leave. He could hold anything if you both hit your stacking him if you miss you can leave cheap and wait for a better spot. I understand why AK is a 3 bet majority of time but from the way this player clearly plays surely this is the player you want to be trapping with AK. I am aware that you are far more experienced cash than me so i am not saying your wrong before anyone flies off the handle i just can see why trapping is getting value far more of the time than 3 betting here
In Response to Re: IF i was the oppo : Cos i ave to mix it up , tbf i can post hands where ive 3bet with AK but i do like to slow play it as well and as for your last comment on WHY WOULD I ?? well look at jj's hand the other day , why would ya 4bet as light as he did with 10J ?? Also dude mate lookin at ALOT of your threads recently dont ya think quite a few of ure oppos are gettin an easy read on ure play?? Cos what i see in ure bettin patterns is all the same , how come you dont mix it up a bit?? Posted by debdobs_67
First bold bit - Well if at NL20 you have started playing MANY REGS than it's of course good to have a wider range as they'll be tighter and you need to decieve them but I would think up to like NL30 pretty basic ABC works well, maybe I'm wrong.
2nd bold bit - LOL, gotta be loving this line, every session I start involves pretty much constantly moving tables till I find 3-4 with at least 3 decent fish on it and as you know from NL4 players like that DO NOT care what other people have. If I did just sit on first table I see (i.e. was lazy) I would most likely be on with other REGS and hence need to 'mix it up' as you say but I prefer to put myself in situations where that's not needed and also makes dis game very easy.
Just for the record i'll tell you what ive been doin , playin only 1 table at a time at nl20 , making as many notes as poss on oppo's and trying diff things to oppo's to see what there playbacks are like , i keep rinse and repeating this until im happy ive got pretty gd reads on players at this level , when i have then i will obv look for certain tables to play at , this is what i did at nl10 and found it worked very well.
How is it VERY EASY as you put it dudeskin when you are constantly asking for ADVICE on so many hands , that just does not make sense Posted by debdobs_67
I ask for advice am I am always learning, and with more knolwedge I can get better and get to the stage where I need to ask less but for now I will ALWAYS ask when I want to.
Also yes it is VERY EASY as I put it but sadly this game has muchos variance so even if I play perfect I can still lose (of course I don't always play perfect but that's why I post hands ), for example last month I was up over 18 BI's over about 10k hands probably less which equates to 18.3bb/100 hands which is a farely strong win rate but this month I'm down just over 3 BI's in 6.5k hands because certain situations havent panned out but I am still very much sure this level is VERY EASY and it will only get hard if EVERY fish leaves and only REGS play which won't happen lol
Just for the record i'll tell you what ive been doin , playin only 1 table at a time at nl20 , making as many notes as poss on oppo's and trying diff things to oppo's to see what there playbacks are like , i keep rinse and repeating this until im happy ive got pretty gd reads on players at this level , when i have then i will obv look for certain tables to play at , this is what i did at nl10 and found it worked very well. Posted by debdobs_67
Wow that must be tough, how do you maintain concentration, I get bored playing 3 now lol
When you say reads/notes are these like what they 3bet with and if they cbet flops and stuff, basically REG play ?
Generally when I make notes it's primarily to find out who the AWFUL/FISH players are and as soon as is phyisically possible (normally takes just 1-2 hands) which then helps me try and bleed them dry, in terms of REGS I prefer to just stay out their way if I can and finding out who they are is as easy as typing their name in find a player as most decent/competant players' brains would melt playing one table lol
2nd bold bit - LOL, gotta be loving this line, every session I start involves pretty much constantly moving tables till I find 3-4 with at least 3 decent fish on it and as you know from NL4 players like that DO NOT care what other people have. If I did just sit on first table I see (i.e. was lazy) I would most likely be on with other REGS and hence need to 'mix it up' as you say but I prefer to put myself in situations where that's not needed and also makes dis game very easy.
Also yes it is VERY EASY as I put it but sadly this game has muchos variance so even if I play perfect I can still lose (of course I don't always play perfect but that's why I post hands
When you say reads/notes are these like what they 3bet with and if they cbet flops and stuff, basically REG play ?
Generally when I make notes it's primarily to find out who the AWFUL/FISH players are and as soon as is phyisically possible (normally takes just 1-2 hands) which then helps me try and bleed them dry, in terms of REGS I prefer to just stay out their way if I can and finding out who they are is as easy as typing their name in find a player as most decent/competant players' brains would melt playing one table lol